Grant Seeking Resources
Funding Agencies
- SJSU Internal Grants
- Institute of Museum and Library Services (Examples of successful IMLS grant applications)
- NEH – National Endowment for the Humanities
- OCLC/ALISE Library and Information Science Research Grants
- ALISE Research Grants
- ALA Grants
- Google Academic Research Awards
- IBM Center for the Business of Government (Research stipend and Challenge Grant)
- Silicon Valley Community Foundation (SVCF Strategic grants and Corporate Advised grants)
- American Association of Law Libraries Grants
- ARMA International Education Foundation (PCOM Projects)
Resources on Searching for Funding Sources & Writing/Submitting a Grant Proposal
- SJSU Research Foundation’s Resources on Grant Seeking
- SJSU Grant Writing Support
- Purdue Online Writing Lab’s Introduction to Grant Writing (provides a comprehensive overview of the grant writing process )
- SJSU LibGuide on Grants, Funding, & Scholarship Sources
- Introduction to Project Budgets provided by GrantSpace
- “Can We Talk? Contacting Grant Program Officers” (an article written by a director of research development at the University of Tennessee, covering several good points of working with program officers) (Download the document)
- An article from Inside Higher Ed about learning from rejected grant proposals