How to Create an Event
Log in
Go to “Commands” on the lower left
Select “Create Post, choose “Event”
Once on the new page to create the event:
- Type the event title
- Type the description in the body area. Include the URL if an online event or physical address if an in-person event.
Top right >> under “Post Type,” choose the relevant category listed under “Event”
Categories are:
- Academics (these are the academic dates like first day of semester, registration, drop dates, etc.)
- Career Workshops (these are Jill’s workshops for current students)
- Conference Exhibits
- Conference Receptions
- Information Sessions (open houses)
- Special Events
- Student Group (student chapters)
- Webcasts (MARA guest lectures, etc)
- Faculty Conference Presentations (upcoming presentations by faculty members)
Scroll down the page – left side, choose “Calendar Dates,” enter dates. Times are Pacific Time by default.
Choose “event” from the nav term menu on the right side
Bottom left, choose “Publishing Options,” click “Publish”
Click “Save”
Go to the calendar icon and see if your event is there and if any edits need to be made.
If you click on the event title, you’ll be able to read the details.