Webcast Style Guide


Upcoming Webcasts

Create upcoming webcasts from https://ischool.ddsandbox.net/upcoming-webcasts using the “Webcast” post type.

The title is the title of the webcast. Add the description in the body. Then add the date, time and URL separated by breaks rather than paragraphs.

Enter the date and time using the “calendar dates” on the edit screen bottom left. This way it also displays on the master calendar without having to create a separate event.

For the speakers, you create a new “Speaker” post type on https://ischool.ddsandbox.net/webcast-speakers (which is a hidden term). You assign it to the nav term “Webcast Speakers.” The speaker’s name is the title. Their position and employer is the subtitle. Include the speaker’s bio and photo. Then add those speakers as “related people and profiles” to the webcast post.

See images for screenshots of how it should look when published.


On-Demand Webcasts

The webcasts will automatically archive after the event date has passed. Once the webcast date has passed, please:

1) Find the webcast in manage content, click “edit” and once in the edit screen, un-check the archive button.

2) Change the post date to the date the webcast aired. Remove the calendar dates.

3) Remove the login information as it no longer applies

4) Add the video. Get the link from our YouTube Channel and add to “video and multimedia” and use the custom image thumbnail option. 

5) Change the navigation term from “Upcoming Webcasts” to “On Demand Webcasts” and add any particular subterms that reflect the appropriate category. You can select more than one category.

Category Subterms

Academic Librarianship
Archives and Preservation
Corporate Archives
Information Governance
Information Science
MARA Lecture
Public Librarianship
Records Management
Special Librarianship
Teacher Librarianship
Virtual Worlds
Youth Librarianship

The on-demand webcasts when published should only display the following content:

  • Title
  • Date the webcast originally aired (this is the “post date” found under calendar dates)
  • Description (add a break after the description)
  • Video (you place the word “video” in brackets after the break)