Writing a CV


Start by making a list of all your information, then organize it into categories. As with a resume, you may need different versions of a CV for different types of positions. You can also arrange your categories or sections in an order that best presents your qualifications and experience. The visual impact of the CV provides the initial message about your attention to detail and thoroughness. Ensure that it is well designed, organized and attractive; that the categories of information are clearly labeled; and that it is easy for search committee members to find certain sections of interest.

A Sample CV Template


  • Name
  • Address
  • Telephone
  • Cell Phone
  • Email
  • Citizenship
  • Visa Status (if applicable) 


Include dates, majors, details of degrees, minors, subfields, honors, training, and certifications

  • Post-Doctoral Training
  • Graduate School
  • University


List positions and dates in reverse chronological order within the different sections. You may include several functional sections such as “Research Experience,” “Consulting,” “Fieldwork,” “Teaching Experience,” etc.

  • Work History
  • Academic Positions
  • Research and Training


Provide the title and a brief description of your work, its theoretical framework, your conclusions, your director (and readers, if their names or departments add breadth or new perspectives to your area of research). For ePortfolio users, include a link to your work.


  • Certifications and Accreditations
  • Computer Skills


Recognition of scholarship by the university or within the field is very important. Memberships in honorary societies belong in this section as well, unless they have already been listed under “Education.”


Use a standard citation format and make sure it is correct. List in reverse chronological order (most recent first). 

  • Peer-reviewed journals
  • Conference proceedings
  • Other publications
  • Books


List all professional groups and offices held. Include all departmental and university groups, committees, and task forces on which you served. Student groups are valid as well. You should demonstrate that you have exhibited leadership qualities.


List all you read/speak and note those in which you are fluent, proficient, or in which you have a basic knowledge. If English is your only language, leave this section off your CV.