Unlocking Stories: The Power of Narrative Inquiry
Published: January 11, 2025
In the realm of Library and Information Science (LIS), where understanding users’ experiences and behaviors is paramount, narrative inquiry emerges as a compelling research method. Rooted in the interpretive tradition of qualitative research, narrative inquiry explores how individuals construct meaning through storytelling. This method offers LIS researchers an avenue to delve deeply into users’ lived experiences, uncovering rich insights about how they seek, access, and use information.
Narrative inquiry is the systematic study of stories to understand human experiences. Clandinin and Connelly (2000), pioneers of this approach, define narrative inquiry as “a way of understanding experience” that involves both the researcher and participants in a collaborative process of meaning-making. Narratives are more than simple recounts of events; they reflect the ways people organize their lives, make sense of their experiences, and connect to broader social contexts (Riessman, 2008).
Key features of narrative inquiry include:
- Temporality: Stories often span past, present, and future.
- Contextuality: Stories are shaped by the cultural, social, and environmental settings in which they occur.
- Meaning-Making: Narratives reveal not only what happened but also the significance attributed to those events by the storyteller.
Libraries are deeply embedded in the personal and communal lives of their users. Narrative inquiry enables LIS researchers to explore questions like:
- How do individuals experience public libraries as safe spaces?
- What role do school libraries play in fostering academic resilience?
- How do marginalized communities access and share information through informal networks?
By capturing stories, LIS researchers can uncover nuanced insights that go beyond what surveys or observational studies might reveal. For example, a study could invite high school students to share stories about their first experiences conducting research projects. By analyzing these narratives, researchers could uncover common challenges, such as navigating databases or interpreting search results, and identify areas for improving information literacy instruction. Public libraries are often lifelines for underserved populations. Through narrative inquiry, researchers could collect stories from community members about how libraries have helped them during times of crisis (e.g., job searches, access to healthcare information), shedding light on the library’s impact on social welfare. Librarians could share narratives about their career paths, detailing pivotal moments such as first job experiences, interactions with mentors, or challenges in advocating for library resources. These stories can inform professional development programs and mentorship initiatives.
When conducting narrative inquiry, we start by defining the research question and decide how personal stories can provide valuable insights. Then, we choose participants whose experiences are directly relevant to the research question. Data collection methods include in-depth interviews, journals, or even multimedia storytelling. We usually use thematic analysis to identify key themes, patterns, and meanings in participants’ stories. Temporal, contextual, and structural analysis can further deepen understanding. Findings can be presented as detailed case studies, thematic summaries, or re-told stories, depending on the research goals and audience.
For LIS researchers, narrative inquiry can be a bridge to understanding the complex, human dimensions of information use and library services. Yet, we need to be aware of the method’s limitations and challenges. For instance, interpretation of narratives can be influenced by researcher bias. Strategies like member checking (sharing findings with participants) can help enhance validity. Also, collecting and analyzing narratives require significant time and effort. Finally, since personal stories often involve sensitive details, researchers must ensure confidentiality and obtain informed consent (Creswell & Poth, 2018).
- Clandinin, D. J., & Connelly, F. M. (2000). Narrative Inquiry: Experience and Story in Qualitative Research. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
- Creswell, J. W., & Poth, C. N. (2018). Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.
- Riessman, C. K. (2008). Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications.
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