Brunch in the Library
Kristen Snyder, 2022 Showcase
Brunch in the Library is a health and wellness public library program idea created for The Hyperlinked Library. It was designed for use in the Rinconada Library branch in Palo Alto, CA, but could be modified for most public library systems. In this program, patrons learn how to make seasonal healthy brunches from a registered dietitian by cooking alongside him/her, eat their brunch and socialize together, and then – if they choose – work in the library garden from which their brunch’s produce was sourced, learning about seasonal sustenance gardening from the Master Gardeners. This garden is designed and maintained by library patrons. New technologies that help with sustainability and accessibility are used in both the cooking and gardening portions of the program. Program goals and evaluation plans are included. Caution: food pictures ahead!
Kristen Snyder is an aspiring health librarian, hoping to either become a Public Health Librarian or a Public Librarian who focuses on health and wellness. Her focus is in part due to her academic interest and undergrad work in health psychology, and in part due to her multi-decade struggle with a previously unknown, invisible chronic illness that functionally disabled her. Recently diagnosed with a rare disease called Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), she has had a front-row seat to the difficulties faced by both doctors and patients when a patient has an unusual clinical presentation. Her professional goals involve empowering doctors and patients on a systemic level with tools and programs to find the information necessary to find and implement an appropriate diagnosis, treatment, and lifestyle. Outside of librarianship, she finds great enjoyment in her daily walks, her flower garden, her cat, and an overabundance of science fiction and fantasy reading.