CentinelaFeed.com Partial Redesign
Cassie Caraballo, Helene Toralba, and Sophia LaMonica Fernandez, 2021 Showcase
CentinelaFeed.com Partial Redesign: Centinela Feed and Pet Supplies contracted with our consulting team for the purpose of redesigning their existing website in order to expand their customer base and improve the end-user experience, while staying true to their local home-grown business appeal. In this group project we aimed to improve the navigation and usability for current and potential customers. We conducted social media and user research, and we developed wireframes and user personas to create a partial redesign for the existing website. Our objectives were to improve the consistency, clarity, navigability, and delightfulness of the site, all of which will allow Centinela to better serve the needs of its target users and meet its business objectives.
Cassie Caraballo started the MS in Informatics program in Fall 2021. A registered nurse, Cassie graduated from San Jose State with a BS in nursing in 2011. Cassie currently lives and works in San Jose.
Helene Toralba is a life-long East Bay resident who currently works as a Clinical Laboratory Scientist supporting the Laboratory Information System used by a multi-facility healthcare system in Northern California.
A recent graduate of the MLIS program, Sophia LaMonica Fernandez is continuing her education at the iSchool in the Informatics program, following the health specialization pathway.