Hiring for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in a Library Setting
Cybele Garcia Kohel, 2021 Showcase

Showcase INFO 204 - Information Professions

Hiring for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in a Library Setting

Hiring for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in a Library Setting: Hiring for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in a Library Setting is an infographic explaining the steps on what recruitment, retention and mentoring look like when hiring for diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). The infographic includes the definitions of DEI, how to assess progress, and the reasons hiring for DEI are important.

Cybele Garcia Kohel

Cybele Garcia Kohel is a long-time Los Angeles resident and writer of poetry, creative non-fiction, and fiction. Born in Puerto Rico, she writes in a loud voice from the margins, in support of many BIPOC issues including race, land acknowledgement, and eugenics. She has a BS in Anthropology and an MS in Peace Studies. Ms. Kohel has worked with non-profits as a capacity builder and grant writer, and presently works as an elementary school librarian. She is currently studying for an MLIS degree at San Jose State University. You can read her essays on Medium at https://cgkohel.medium.com.