So, You Want to Write a Disaster Plan?
Julia Turgeon, 2024 Showcase

Showcase INFO 204 - Information Professions

So, You Want to Write a Disaster Plan?

So, You Want to Write a Disaster Plan?: This infographic shows the process of writing a disaster preparedness plan for a library, as well as a suggested outline for your disaster plan. This is a daunting task, and many museums and libraries simply do not have one due to the overwhelming nature of the task (on top of typically being understaffed!). This infographic brings one from start (determining needs and writing a proposal for funding) to have your first completed disaster plan in hand.

Julia Turgeon is a museum professional working in the Southern New England area since 2019, with internships in archival spaces dating back to 2017. She has worked in visitor experience and fundraising aspects of museums, and started her MLIS in August 2023 in order to make her way back into the museum archives and collection space. In her spare time, she tends to her garden and enjoys hiking nearby trails to see what wild edibles are to be found!