Dr. Michael Stephens
Assistant Professor, San José State University School of Information


Dr. Michael Stephens received his PhD in information science in 2007 from the University of North Texas via an IMLS fellowship. His teaching focuses on user-centered services and outreach with technology, and learning programs in library settings.

His recent publications include “MOOCs for LIS Professional Development: Exploring New Transformative Learning Environments and Roles” in Internet Learning and “Exemplary Practice for Learning 2.0: Based on a Cumulative Analysis of the Value and Effect of ‘ 23 Things’ Programs in Libraries” in Reference and User Services Quarterly. He currently writes the monthly column “Office Hours” in Library Journal, exploring issues, ideas, and emerging trends in library and information science education. He serves as the project director for the Salzburg Curriculum initiative, funded by IMLS and Salzburg Global Seminar. The project focuses on updating LIS and museum professional education in an era of participatory culture.

Stephens has spoken about emerging technologies, innovation, and libraries to audiences nationally and internationally, including a research tour of Australia and presentations for the US embassies in Germany and Turkey. He recently delivered a keynote address for the New Zealand library association.