Tamika Barnes
Department Head for Perimeter Library Services at Georgia State University

Tamika Barnes

Tamika Barnes is the Department Head for Perimeter Library Services at Georgia State University. This position oversees the work of the five libraries on the Perimeter campuses in the metro Atlanta area. Previously, she was the Library Director at Georgia Perimeter College, Dunwoody Campus.

Barnes has worked in a variety of library settings including being the Library Director at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as a contractor, Head of Reference at North Carolina A&T State University, and Engineering Services Librarian at North Carolina State University.

She received her MLS from NCCU and her B.A. in biology from UNC-Chapel Hill. Barnes stays active in the profession and has served in a variety of positions for the Special Libraries Association, the North Carolina Chapter of SLA, American Library Association, the North Carolina Library Association, and the Georgia Library Association. She currently serves on the Executive Board for ALA and Georgia’s ALA Councilor.