Connect over Coffee
Join the ALASC for a virtual networking event. You’ll learn networking tips from iSchool Career Consultant Jill Klees and chat with industry professionals from around the country. Video participation is highly encouraged. Don’t forget your favorite hot beverage!
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email
containing information about joining the meeting.
How it Works
Pour yourself a cup of coffee, tea, or hot cider. Coolest mug
wins bragging rights.
Log onto Zoom and enable your camera so that we can see your
beautiful face.
The session will start with a short presentation by Jill Klees
with networking tips.
You’ll then be split up into breakout rooms where you’ll have a
chance to chat with industry professionals in a small group
setting. Come prepared with questions!
After 20 minutes, the rooms will rotate and you’ll get to speak
with more professionals.
We’ll come back together for a quick debrief and to exchange
contact information. You’ll leave with networking tips, practice,
and new contacts to add on LinkedIn!
Erin Davis is the Library Coordinator of Statewide Campuses &
E-Learning at Utah State University. She has published 15
co-authored peer-reviewed articles, 2 book chapters, and
presented at numerous international, national, and state
conferences over the years on the topics of information literacy,
assessment, user-experience, and professional development in
Kiyomi Deards is an associate professor, and librarian for
chemistry, biochemistry, forensic science, physics & astronomy,
and water, at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL) University
Libraries. In February 2019, the Association of Research
Libraries appointed her to be a visiting program officer for
diversity and leadership.
Nicole LaMoreaux is the Assistant Director of Research and
Instructional Services at The New School in New York, NY. She is
the liaison for business, marketing, and management across all
majors at the university. She was formerly the Research &
Instruction Librarian at LIM College and while there was the
organizer of the Fashion: Now & Then Conference from 2014-2016.
She has been an active member of the American Library Association
(ALA) and New Members Round Table (NMRT) since 2011 and is
currently the President of NMRT.
Rachel Makarowski is the Special Collections Librarian at Miami
University’s Walter Havighurst Special Collections and University
Archives. Her position allows her to do a bit of everything
relating to special collections and archives, including (but not
limited to) instruction, reference, and cataloging.
Andrew K. Pace is the Executive Director of Technical Research at
OCLC. Prior to joining OCLC, Andrew was Head of Information
Technology at North Carolina State University Libraries, where he
spent nine years participating in several digital library
projects. Andrew is a Past President of the Library Information
Technology Association (LITA), a division of ALA, and is a
current member of the ALA Executive Board for 2016–2019.
Russel T. Peterson is a 2018 graduate of the iSchool at the
University of Michigan. He is currently a Research and
Instructional Services Librarian at the University of Alabama,
where he supports the Modern Languages department and the
Capstone Center for Student Success.
Raymond Pun is an academic librarian at Alder Graduate School of
Education. Previously he has worked in other institutions
including public and special libraries and has worked abroad as a
librarian before too.
Date: October 30, 2019
Time: 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. (Pacific Time)