LEADERS WANTED: Why and How to Get Involved in Student Organizations

Student Group

Elections are approaching for Executive Committee positions in many student organizations. Have you considered running for a position? You know there are benefits to participating in student organizations: leadership experience, professional skills experience, experience you can put on your e-Portfolio, a CV, a resume or a job application, networking, friendships, and more.

So what’s holding you back? Perhaps you’re thinking: “This is going to take all of my time, and I already have a life.” Or, “I’m an introvert, I just can’t get involved if I have to do any public speaking.” Or, “I don’t have any leadership experience, so they wouldn’t want me anyway.” Don’t be scared off by erroneous assumptions!

Leaders from numerous student organizations will come together to discuss candidly both the benefits and drawbacks of their experience. They will answer your questions about what they do, and why they do it. They’ll share their job descriptions, and explain the process for their group’s nominations and elections. Join us, get your questions answered, and learn if student leadership is for you.

Date: Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Time: 6:00 p.m. – 7:15 p.m. (Pacific Time)
Session Link: https://sjsu.zoom.us/j/666529630