Gentle Heron/Alice Krueger – Colloquia Talk-Tuesday, March 31 6:00pm SLT


Published: April 16, 2015

Colloquium Talk on VCARA: People with Disabilities in Virtual Worlds. Virtual Ability supports people with many types of disabling conditions and chronic illnesses in Second Life. Some require special accommodations. Learn how some persons use assistive technology or human assistance to access Second Life.

Colloquium Talk on VCARA:

People with Disabilities in Virtual Worlds

Virtual Ability supports people with many types of disabling conditions and chronic illnesses in Second Life. Some require special accommodations. Learn how some persons use assistive technology or human assistance to access Second Life.


Gentle Heron is Alice Krueger. Alice is a former teacher of sciences, mathematics, English, and special education from kindergarten through college level. She has also been an education researcher and professional development provider. She is now permanently disabled with multiple sclerosis. Her world contracted due to the isolation of disability, and in response, she founded the Virtual Ability community in Second Life.


Alice is also president of Virtual Ability, Inc., the nonprofit which supports the Virtual Ability community and its activities through collaborative projects with educators and researchers.


Gentle was awarded this year’s Thinkerer Award at the 2015 Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education. “The THINKERER AWARD is presented to an individual whose deeds and actions have shown a consistent selfless service towards the promotion of learning, community, educational practices, and who exemplifies the spirit of cooperative development within immersive environments.”


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