Info Quest, new Virtual/Immersive Learning Environment to open with Seminar


Published: March 13, 2015

Greetings! You are invited to a Virtual Worlds/Immersive Learning Seminar which will feature the opening of Info Quest, a web-based library and location for librarians, museum staff, educators, library users, students, and anyone interested. Info Quest is a collaborative project built using Unity, a popular 3d game engine and Jibe by Reaction Grid. The worlds you will see here are not yet complete, and when finished will contain book displays, exhibits, events, book discussions, trainings, quests, and interactive games, all which promote books, reading, and education. Please see the attached flyer for further information on Info Quest and the opening program.

The grand opening program is Monday, March 30 from 5-7 pm pacific/7-9 pm central/8-10 pm eastern in Info Quest. Speakers include: Dr. Valerie Hill on Information Literacy; Dr. John Jamison from Imagilearning on using game experiences to enhance learning; John Lester, from Reaction Grid on Jibe and Unity to build immersive environments; and Chris Nelson, a student from SJSU on Virtual 3D Pedagogy. The location within Info Quest for the program is at the San Jose iSchool Museum and Conference Center.

If you would like an orientation to Info Quest before the grand opening, choose one of the dates and times below and email to RSVP

March 14, 2015 @ 12 pm PST

March 17. 2015@12:30 and 7 4:30 PM PST

March 19, 2015@12:30 and 4:30 PM PST

March 22, 2015@ 12 pm PST

March 24, 2015@ 5:00 PM PST

March 25, 2015@12 pm PST

March 26, 2015@11 am PST

We are looking for partners to join us in creating immersive learning worlds which will enhance library, museum, and education experiences on the web. If you are interested in this possibility or becoming involved in the project, you can join here:!forum/infoquestlibrarypartners

Joining the group does not obligate you in any way.

If you would like to join a group to be kept up-to-date on events, collections, and more, please join the events google group:!forum/iqmembers

Visit some of the other worlds currently in development. Remember, we have a great deal of work to do to add resources, activities, collections and events.

War of the Roses – Visit the tumultious times in 15th century England, about fiction and non-fiction books of the period, people of that time, and other events and exhibits related to the time.

VCARA – Virtual Center for Archives and Records Administration group at San Jose State School of Information. Roman themed area.

MiddleEast – Learn about Middle Eastern architecture, cultures, religions, history, artifacts and more through events and exhibits.

FutureNow – Explore a world of science fiction and the future.

Urban Decay – Learn about dystopian literature, get book recommendations, and join book discussions.

Mayan – Discover ancient Mayan civilization, culture and architecture.

Fortress – Take a trip to the times of 14th century England and the world of Edward III and the powerful Plantagenet family.

Market – Stroll through a medieval marketplace and pick up some good fiction and non-fiction reads about European medieval times, attend book discussions, events, and exhibits to learn more about this period.

If you have questions about the project, contact Lori Bell at


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