Mark Your Calenders: October 10, 2013
October 10, 6-7 pm SLT (pacific) is the first event planned this school year by VCARA. We are going on a tour of our neighbor in Second Life, Stanford University Island. We will first take a train ride around Stanford Island and take a look at the various exhibits that they have on their Island. Our tour guide will talk about the different exhibits that they have re-created in Second Life. After the train ride, we will walk to a couple of the exhibits and our tour guide will talk in depth about a couple of them. Right after the train tour, we will have a guided tour of the Virtual Archives that are kept by Stanford University Special Collections.
Join us on October 10th for this enjoyable and rewarding experience. Meet us in VCARA at 5:45 pm SLT (pacific) using this SURL:
Even though space on this tour is virtually unlimited, we ask that you RSVP to Kevin Dompier You may also contact Kevin if you have any questions about this event.
If you are new to Second Life, or if you need a refresher in the basics of Second Life, help is here. Set up an orientation session by contacting Kevin Dompier, VCARA Student Assistant, to discuss a date and time.
To keep yourself updated with the happenings in VCARA, please visit the VCARA Blog and Event Calender at
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