More Orientation Sessions!


Coming up on April 7 is another great lecture in Second Life. John Lester will be presenting on finding a balance between pedagogy and technology. He will be discussing how different virtual world platforms are suited for different needs. This lecture will be presented on SLIS Island in the VCARA amphitheater. Also upcoming Lori Bell’s Virtual Worlds Florence Renaissance class will be presenting a renaissance fair with presentations, displays and other great events. If you are interested in attending these events but are new to Second Life we are once again offering orientation sessions. Student assistants Sarah Fihe and Faylene Keep are offering three orientation sessions in the next week to help anyone that is interested. All times indicated are in Second Life time (SLT) which is the same as Pacific Time.

Tuesday 4/1 5pm SLT
Wednesday 4/2 12:15pm SLT
Sunday 4/6 3pm SLT
Please RSVP for one of these sessions to Sarah Fihe at If you are interested in an orientation but cannot make one of the scheduled times we can work with you to schedule an orientation with either Sarah or Faylene. These sessions can be set up by emailing Sarah Fihe at the above email address. We look forward to seeing you in world!


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