New Course for SLIS Students: Coming this Fall!
Registration for fall 2014 at SJSU SLIS and MARA is just a few weeks away. I hope you will consider taking one of the following new courses. I guarantee they will be fun and informative. We need a minimum of 12 students for each course to run.
287-16 – Virtual Worlds: Travleing Through Time and Space: Pre-Revolutionary France
This course will immerse students in pre-Revolutionary and Revolutionary France (18th century France from Louis XV, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette (1710-1799). Students will meet or become one of the fascinating characters of this period or a fictional character living in the period.
Based on research conducted into the events taking place during this period, students will create and participate in an immersive role-playing experience. The experience will prepare the students to demonstrate the ways in which librarians, and archivists, and museum curators can create community and serve as teachers and leaders in portraying knowledge, history and documents in creative and educational ways using virtual world technologies.
287-17 – Virtual Environments: Immersive Learning for Libraries and Archives
This advanced course will allow students to conduct in-depth research virtual archival and library collections in immersive environments. We will look at Second Life and other virtual worlds and immersive environments, conduct case studies, and future development of these environments.
Students will have the opportunity to listen to speakers who are doing exciting things in this field, do an in-depth research project, review the latest literature on these topics, and work with a group to create their own immersive environment, collection,and event on a topic and time period of their interest.
If you have any questions about the courses, please contact me Lori Bell at
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