REMINDER: 2 Second Life Orientations this Week


Hey Everyone.

Just as a friendly reminder, we are having 2 Second Life/VCARA Orientations for students who are new to Second Life or if you have been away for a while and need a refresher course. The dates are Thursday and 7 pm SLT (pacific). If you are interested in attending one of these sessions, we ask that you RSVP to Kevin Dompier, VCARA Student Assistant, at If you are unable to attend one of these 2 scheduled sessions and would like to have an orientation in Second Life, we can set up a one on one orientation at a later date. Contact Kevin Dompier to set up a date.

For those of you who are not familiar with VCARA, here is the link that will teleport you directly to VCARA in Second Life: After you set up your Second Life account, simply click on the above link (it will open a webpage), click on teleport now, and the Second Life Viewer will open, you will log in, and you will be transported to VCARA. The orientations will be held at the Presentation Forum, a 2 story building where there are presentations from our last conference, and will begin around 7 SLT (pacific).

As always, if you have any questions, please contact Kevin Dompier at

See you in Second Life!!


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