UPDATE: Tale of Tudors Renaissance Faire


From December 1st thru December 4th, SJSU SLIS own LIBR 287: Tale of the Tudors Immersive Second Life class will throw a Renaissance Faire in Second Life in Tudor Village. Below is more information on the Faire:

Hear ye! Hear ye! San Jose State University Graduate School of Library and Information Science and Renaissance Island in the virtual world of Second Life are pleased to announce a joint Renaissance Faire to be held December 1-4, 2013. Come and hear students make presentations on the Tudor time period, see student-created displays on a variety of topics and enjoy all kinds of entertainment. Entertainment will include Renaissance period music, storytellers, jugglers, jousting, en garde and more! Faire keynoters include Dr. Pat Franks, Associate Professor at SJSU SLIS on VCARA (Virtual Center for Archives and Records) and the work they have done in Second Life for the past six years and how virtual world learning provides important skills for graduate students. Mary-Carol Lindbloom, Executive Director of the South Central New York Regional Library Cooperative , and owner of Renaissance Island will talk about Immersive Learning and the Role Libraries Can Play speaking about the example of Renaissance Island which has existed since February 2007. For more information, please contact Lorelei Junot in Second Life or Lori Bell at lbelltudors@gmail.com or Snow Scarmon in Second Life or Chris Nelson at snowscarmon@gmail.com

This event is open to the public and will prove to be a unique learning experience for all. You can come for any of the presentations. We do have a time that this Faire will take place. Below are the times for each day (all time in Pacific time):

  • December 1: 10am – 12 noon; 3pm – 8pm
  • December 2: 6pm – 8pm
  • December 3: 1pm – 8pm
  • December 4: 4pm – 9pm

What to know whats going on in VCARA? Keep up with the happenings for VCARA through the VCARA Blog at http://slisapps.sjsu.edu/blogs/wp/vcara/.

New to Second Life or been awhile since you have been in Second Life? No worries! Contact the VCARA Student Assistant, Kevin Dompier, to schedule an orientation that will go over the basics of moving, speaking, and flying among other things. Contact Kevin Dompier at kevin.dompier@gmail.com.

If you have any questions regarding this event, feel free to e-mail Kevin Dompier at kevin.dompier@gmail.com or Lori Bell at the e-mail above.


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