VCARA Presents: Community Virtual Library Tour 2/18/19


Published: February 12, 2019 by Alyse Dunavant-Jones

Join VCARA for a tour of the Community Virtual Library on Library Land (SLURL: in Second Life at 6:00 p.m. SLT (Pacific) on Monday, February 18, 2019. Participants will learn about CVL’s history and upcoming events; explore the Main Library, meeting and book club spaces, and current exhibits; and discover ways to get involved with CVL and other virtual world professionals and educators.

VCARA member and iSchool alumna Alyse Dunavant-Jones will host the tour. Alyse serves as CVL’s Assistant Director and a virtual world reference librarian with office hours 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. every Wednesday at CVL’s Main Library.

About the Community Virtual Library:

CVL is a real library run by real librarians. It provides free library resources and services to virtual world residents. Its space in Second Life includes a virtual library with open-source content. On Library Land, CVL also has exhibit, presentation, and meeting spaces available to CVL members and affiliated groups.

CVL’s librarians and other volunteers also conduct and publish virtual world research, participate in conferences, network with and connect education-oriented virtual communities, create and share resources, and build libraries and other information-oriented structures and exhibits for virtual communities.

For information about joining VCARA in Second Life, please refer to our Getting Started page. To request an orientation to Second Life and VCARA, please email Dr. Pat Franks ( To follow VCARA on social media, check out our VCARA on Social Media page. To visit VCARA in Second Life, use the iSchool Island SLURL: