T3 Series Evaluation Webform August 15, 2018 Please take a few minutes to tell us about the T3 workshop(s). We value your suggestions. Name of Workshop : * - Select -Prompt Engineering (4/18/25)Pedagogic Uses of AI (3/25/25)How I Use AI in Teaching (3/5/25)Defining AI for Educators (2/19/25) iSpy on iSchool Core Curricula (11/5/24)Creating an Open Education Resource (OER) for INFO 202 (10/10/24)Canvas Tips: New Discussion Features & More! (9/25/24)Rubrics for Canvas (6/11/24)Introduction to Adobe Firefly (6/4/24)Essentials of the Canvas Course Checklist (4/9/24)Integrating AI in Education: Enhancing Courses with Chatbots/ChatGPT Store (3/28/24)Equity in Action (3.11.24)Equity-Minded Grading/Ungrading (11/6/23)AI in the Classroom (10/10/23)Student Learning Challenges and Digital Fatigue (9/1/23)ChatGPT: What Do Our Students Know That We Should Know? (7/19/23)The Return of Speed Snooping: A Small Selection of Electives iSchool Instructors Can Explore (7/14/23)Addressing Academic Skills: A New Gateway Story (4/12/23)Enhancing Student Success by Using Leganto (3/1/23)Social & Emotional Support of Students (2/10/23)Choose Your Own Adventure (11/16/22)Students in Crisis: Red Flags and Resources (10/21/22)Land & Labor Acknowledgement (9/7/22)Blackboard Ally is Coming in Fall 2022: Inclusive Course Design for All iSchool Courses (7/19/22)Providing Effective Feedback: A Conversational Approach to Student Writing (6/14/22)Getting Blood From a Stone: Engaging Students in Class Discussions (4/5/22)Inclusive and Accessible Instruction (3/24/22)Student Use of Mobile Devices for LIS Coursework: Implications for Educators (2/9/22)Pointers and Pitfalls: Comparing Two Canvas Courses (11/10/21)EDI: Issues and Examples for iSchool Instructors (10/4/21)Copyright and the Library + Learn How to Expertly Find and Use Images for your Courses (9/7/21)Equity-Focused Online Teaching Strategies (8/5/21)Next Evolution: Google Workspace (7/26/21)Best Practices in Online Instruction for Adult Learners (7/16/21)Google Slides, the G Suite Solution to PowerPoint (4/20/21)Incorporating Hands-on Technology Experiences (3/24/21)Using Wordpress Blogs in Your Classes (2/24/21)Library Resources and Needed Skills During Times of Crisis (11/10/20)Speed Snooping (10/23/20)A Toe in the Water: Competencies Covered in the Core (9/23/20)Recording Lectures: Hints and Tips for Success (7/15/20)Community Building with VoiceThread (6/24/20)What You Need to Know About Student Services: But Didn't Ask! (6/16/20)Gender Inclusive Practices in the Classroom (4/29/20)Canvas Rubrics (4/7/20)How and Why to Give Effective Feedback through ROCK-SOLID Coaching (2/19/20)Canvas Studio: But how do I know if they *watched* my video? (11/5/19)Positive Impact of VoiceThread on Teaching and Learning (9/24/19)First Generation Student Success (7/17/19)Intellectual Freedom (6/18/19)AR/VR: Classroom Instruction and eCampus Tools (4/18/19)eCampus Other If Other Selected : If you selected “Other” from the workshop list, please indicate which workshop you attended. Faculty Name: * - Select -Aber, SusanAgee, AnnAguinaga, JoseAkers Gifford, KaliBailey, CristaBarefoot, RuthBarth, ChristopherBecker, BerndBell, LoriBell, StevenBenoit, GeraldBernier, AnthonyBodart, Joni RichardsBoehlert, KrystalBogan, KelseyBolin, MaryBontenbal, KevinBoyd, RobertBrown, Scott R.Buchanan, ShellyBuckley, KimberliBuenting, DebraBushey, JessicaCervone, FrankChan, JoniChandler, KathrineChen, MichelleChi, YuChoi, AmandaChomintra, MelissaChristensen, JonLucClark, JasonColston, ValerieConfetti-Higgins, ChristyConrad, LettieCoren, AshleighCurtin, Tiffanyde Lorenzo, DavidDee, Cheryl R.Demissie, DawitDickey, TimothyDisher, Wayne T.Doane, WilliamTaylor Dougan, MarcelleDriscoll, MargaretEisips, HeidiDubnjakovic, AnaElliott, TracyEvangeliste, MaryFausett, CrystalFerretti, JenniferFigueroa, MiguelFranks, PatFriedland, NancyGaffney, SeanGardner, CarrieGarrick, TobieGerding, StephanieGhosh, SouvickGivens, CherieGleason, LeighGoldman, Nancy L.Gosart, UliaGreenberg, CharlesGreene, ColleenGupta, PramodHall-Ellis, SylviaHammond, AliciaHarlan, Mary AnnHess, M RyanHofman, DarraHolmes, EmilyHodges, JamesHopwood, JenniferHorodyski, JohnHoude, LisaHunt, JonathanHunter, DebraHutchinson, PatrickJain, PrateekJansen, AdamJefferson, ReneeJohnson, AlisonJumba, JenKaltenbacher, JasonKasianovitz, KrisKemp, JeremyKhosrowpour, ShahrzadKobiela-Mondor, JennyKoh, RowenaKoontz, ChristieKovacs, DianeLawrimore, ErinLiu, ZimingLiu, Geoffrey Z.Liu, MengxiongLoertscher, DavidLuo, LiliMacek, RosanneMain, LindaMaret, SusanMarin, SusanMartin, HarryMartin, LindaMcCaffrey, MikeMcCarthy, NiallMegaridis, Crystal S.Meske, DavidMirza, RafiaMoallem, AbbasMongelli, WilliamMooradian, NormanMorgan, LeeMowry, AmeliaMurphy, MaggieNathan-Roberts, DanNguyen, Paul T.Nimer, CoryNykolaiszyn, JulianaOliver, JamesOlson, Michael G.Orrick, ErickaOssom, PeaceOtero-Boisvert, MariaOyarzun, GonzaloOzoh, RuphinaPagowsky, NicoleParsons, MatthewPeck, PennySweeney-Pennucci, StephaniePerkins, FatimaPerry, StevePershing, MorganPerucci, ChristinaPetty, AleysaPhillips, LeahPrice, MeganRebmann, KristenReece, GwendolynRencher, NatalieRiddle, BillRodger, JoanneRomanik, AdamRodriguez, ConnieRos, BarbaraRosenblum, LisaRothman, AlisonRunnels, CindySan Nicolas-Rocca, ToniaSanchez, JosephSannwald, SuzanneSapp, AmySawyer, CarolSchmidt, AaronScott, AlyceSellar, MelanieSkinner, KatherineSloane, Mary EllenSmoldon, JeremySnow, JessiSteiner, VickiStephens, MichaelSullivan, MadisonSweeney, JenniferSweeney, PatrickTang, RongTash, StevenTheisen, ColleenTignor, MiaTorres, FrankTucker, VirginiaTunon, Johannavan Arnhem, JoeyVans, MarieValenti, EllyssaVelasquez, JenniferVillagran, MicheleWalter, ScottWaugh, DorothyWeaver, GawainWeissmann, DebbieWestbrook, DonaldWestergard, TammyWillard, AmythaWithers, ClareWong, PattyWrenn-Estes, BethYelton, AndromedaYsasi, AndrewZamir, HassanZhang, LeiZimmerman, JoshuaZuiderweg, Donnaother-Name Not Listed Select your name from the list. If your name is not in the list, choose the last option “name not listed” and then manually enter your name in the text box that appears below. Not Listed: Enter your name if not in the list of faculty. Faculty Email : * Confirm Email: * What specific concept(s) or tool(s) did you learn about in this workshop?: * Which concept(s) or tool(s) are you likely to use?: * What suggestions do you have for future topics in the T3 Series?: * Please list suggestions on ways in which this workshop would have been better suited to your needs/expectations.: *