California Travel Ban
Sorry We Missed You
Travel Prohibited to States with Discriminatory Laws
In accordance with California State Legislature Assembly Bill No. 1887, San José State University School of Information’s faculty and staff members will not be able to travel to any state that has enacted a law that discriminates on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identify or gender expression.
While we recognize that the American Library Association’s commitment to equity of access rightfully includes states with discriminatory laws, California law prohibits state agencies, including state-funded universities, from supporting employees to travel to states that have enacted discriminatory laws.
At San José State University, we are committed to protecting our students, staff and faculty members from discrimination, including governmental restrictions on the rights of LGBTQ+ community members. In abstaining from attending conferences in states where these rights have been curbed, we stand in solidarity with the many on-the-ground organizations across the nation that are fighting daily to protect the rights of all community members.
Learn. Share. Celebrate.
The SJSU iSchool’s free EDI Symposium series brings together information professionals from across the nation as we support each other on an ongoing journey toward Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. Each online symposium includes insights, inspiration and thought-provoking conversations about different communities and cultures. We invite you to view our webcasts and read our stories.
Jessica Pryde On Diversifying Your Career and Your Bookshelf
“I definitely recommend trying things out – take the classes that you’re interested in, do various types of internships if you can afford it. Get certain jobs if you can’t, and just sort of let your interests take you. You could find something perfect for you that you just didn’t expect.”
Jessica Pryde, ‘09 MLIS
Tucson, AZ
Your Voices Webinar: From Lady Bountiful to Librarian Cute: Tracing Race and Gender in LIS
Join our second webinar in the Your Voices: Learning, Listening and Sharing series featuring guest speaker Gina Schlesselman-Tarango.
Abstract: Through a discussion of her “The Legacy of Lady Bountiful: White Women in the Library” (2016) and “How Cute! Race, Gender, and Neutrality in Libraries” (2017), Gina Schlesselman-Tarango will trace some of the political work that is performed at the intersections of whiteness and gender in libraries, demonstrating how that which surfaces in our field is illustrative and often in service of larger racial projects. She will end with reflections on what whiteness studies can offer to LIS and where it might fall short.
Your Voices Student Projects
Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The School of Information and the Applied Data Science Department recognize how critical it is to foster discussion and solicit input about advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion to educate the next generation of information professionals. Without an inclusive and culturally aware environment, our academic units cannot enhance the student experience or understand the value of their presence at San José State University.