Cozy Up with Emerging Technology: iSchool Library 2.0 Virtual Conference Oct. 30

Career Blog

Published: October 28, 2019 by Greta Snyder

No need to scramble for your professional super-hero suit (you know, that matching blazer and pants set you’ve stashed somewhere in your closet) to attend the virtual Library 2.0 Conference on Emerging Technology. The fully online mini-conference is this Wednesday, October 30, from 12:00 to 3:00 p.m. Pacific Time. It’s like the Netflix and chill of conferences as it is live-streamed and recorded; oh but wait, it’s also totally free! So, register now to attend live and have insider access to the recordings. Then look forward to putting on your softest sweater and comfiest pants, making some popcorn, and learning from the conference’s star-studded cast in the comfort of your own living room.

Keynote Speakers

This panel though? Seriously, SJSU iSchool is truly leading the way by bringing together forward-thinking professionals in our field to share their work and insights. Accelerate your career forward and jump into the future in the LIS field by joining the opening and closing keynotes. Take a look at these visionary keynote speakers:

Opening Keynote

Closing Keynote

  • Dr. Sue Alman, Lecturer at SJSU iSchool, specializes in a vast array of areas including futures, asynchronous learning, interpersonal communication, marketing, and cultural diversity. Her closing keynote title is on-point for the Halloween magic in the air: “No Crystal Balls Needed: Keeping Current with Emerging Technologies”

Customize your conference selections

Not only will the keynotes be a great way to see what’s trending in the field, it will also give you an opportunity to take your pick which 30-minute conference sessions are of most interest to you (and binge-watch all the sessions later). Check out the impressive diversity of topics and experiences of the presenters. This smorgasbord of future thinking and innovative ways to leverage technology in the field is not to be missed. Take a look:

What is Library 2.0?

With SJSU iSchool Director Dr. Sandra Hirsh’s visionary leadership, SJSU iSchool has been the founding sponsor of Library 2.0 starting in 2011, in partnership with Steve Hargadon, the founder and director of the Learning Revolution Project, to annually host free virtual conferences and conference mini-series, for information professionals around the world. These topic-specific mini-conferences each typically draw over 5,000 registrations, so don’t miss out. Join a global community of leaders in the field, practicing professionals, educators, and students just like yourself.

Final takeaways

Take advantage of this career development and exceptional opportunity for virtual networking. Register as a member of the Library 2.0 network to stay updated on future events and access the archives.

To really take your online networking game to the next level, jump on Twitter and Instagram for this event:

If you’re a current iSchool student, take “The Emerging Future: Technology Issues and Trends” (INFO 282-11) with Dr. Alman this spring 2020. Here’s the spring 2019 syllabus for the course. It’s one of the best courses I’ve taken in the program and all about exploring future thinking and emerging technology: very crucial knowledge and skill-set in our field. In fact, the 2019 SJSU MLIS Skills at Work Report found that 27% of jobs demand competitive awareness and applicable skills in emerging technology.

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