Career Blog: Interviewing
So You’re Graduating in May, Now What?
Published: January 15, 2025 by Aryn Prestia
It can be exciting to enter your final semester in the MLIS program. Whether that effort has been months or years in the making, you are now ready to demonstrate the culmination of your hard work in your e-portfolio and a degree that will lead you to a new career.
Getting that First Library Experience
Published: December 4, 2024 by Aryn Prestia
If you have started the job search, you’ve likely noticed that a majority of the postings indicate that experience is required. In fact, the most recent MLIS Skills at Work Report disclosed that 88% of job announcements include the stipulation that experience is required or preferred.
But what do you do if you’ve devoted yourself to your MLIS degree full-time and have no library experience? In this post, we’ll be looking into how you gain library experience when you have none.
What Do You Want to Do with Your Information Skills?
Your Interview Outfit: What to Consider
Published: October 16, 2024 by Aryn Prestia
When preparing for an interview, it’s common to brush up on potential interview questions but it’s also important to consider how you will present yourself to a potential employer. A huge part of your first impression relates to what you are wearing.
A Student’s Review of This Summer’s ALA Conference
Published: August 7, 2024 by Aryn Prestia
The American Library Association hosted its annual conference
this past June in San Diego, California. Billed as “the biggest
library event of the year,” ALA Annual was attended by dozens of
SJSU iSchool alumni, faculty, and current students. I had the
opportunity to speak with one student attendee, Eddie Lagos, to
learn more about the experience.
What to Do After an Informational Interview
Published: July 31, 2024 by Aryn Prestia
So, you’ve planned an
informational interview and conducted
it, now what?
What to Ask During an Informational Interview
Published: July 17, 2024 by Aryn Prestia
As we mentioned in a previous post, an Informational Interview is the perfect opportunity to get an understanding of the nuances of different library-related positions.
While it may take some time to identify the right interviewee and
schedule your meeting, planning for what to do during the actual
interview is essential for ensuring its success.
How to Craft Your DEI Statement
Published: July 10, 2024 by Aryn Prestia
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives have become essential elements of library organizations in the past few years, and rightfully so! With libraries serving diverse communities and striving to be accessible for all, it makes sense that DEI statements are now a part of more than 63% of library job announcements and DEI is listed as a skillset needed for qualified applicants on 32% of job posts.
How to Ask for an Informational Interview
Published: July 2, 2024 by Aryn Prestia
Once in grad school, you likely learned rather quickly (or will
learn very soon) that there is more than one way to be a
librarian. There are dozens of specialities when it comes to
library science – Public, Academic, Special, Medical, Law, and
Archives, just to name a few. As you navigate the maze of career
choices, the journey from aspiration to actualization can be
overwhelming. This is where informational interviews come into
play, serving as invaluable tools for those looking to better
understand the nuances and day-to-day responsibilities of
librarians in practice.
Excellent Questions to Ask at the End of Your Next Job Interview
Published: July 26th, 2023 by Hannah Nguyen
The last question most people are asked in a job interview is “do
you have any questions for us?” Experts agree that it is
important to ask questions during this time to communicate that
you are actively interested in the role. The answers you receive
can also help you decide whether the institution is a good fit
for you. Think about the questions you want to ask ahead of time
so that you don’t freeze up and miss out on this opportunity.
Here are some examples of the types of questions you can ask to
leave a positive first impression.
Four Free Career Development Resources Every Student Should Be Using
Published: February 10th, 2023 by Hannah Nguyen
Graduate students spend a significant amount of time juggling
school, work, family and personal obligations. It can make it
difficult to be aware of all the great FREE career resources you
have as a student. Here is a list of four of the best
career-building perks you can take advantage of right now.
Do You Need a Reference or a Recommendation? Know the Etiquette to Ask!
Published: April 5, 2022 by Jillian Collins
We started with the basics in
“Do You Need a Reference or a Recommendation? Here’s How to
Tell.” Our other blog posts, “So, You
Need a Reference? Here’s What to Know,” and “So,
You Need a Recommendation? Here’s What to Know,”
explored and explained the nuances of each. Yet, a key aspect is
the professional etiquette of requesting a recommendation or
asking someone to be a reference – and that’s how this series is
going to end and putting knowledge into practice begins.
Not in the Job Description? Sell Solutions to the Hiring Manager!
Published: June 4, 2021 by Jillian Collins
If you’re considering information work for organizations other than a school, public, or academic library, you’re likely to encounter interviewers (for example hiring managers or HR people) unfamiliar with the range of strategic skills information professionals can provide. Even the job description may use terminology that describes things you know you can do, but with non-library language. Not to worry – you’ve got this. Seal the deal by selling the solutions your skills provide.
Asking Questions in the Interview
Published: October 11, 2020 by iSchool Career Advisor
Preparing for an interview and wondering whether you should ask questions?
Write for the Job? Strengthen Workplace Writing Skills with the SJSU Writing Center
Published: October 7, 2020 by Jillian Collins
A well-written 14-page paper is great for a grade. But would you want to read a 14-page email? Probably not! This is why you need the expertise of the SJSU Writing Center, an incredibly valuable professional development resource often overlooked by students. As you launch your career, you’re likely to find that the employer who wants you also wants you to be an effective business communicator. That’s where the Writing Center can provide you with a career competitive edge.
You Are the Best Candidate!
Published: October 5, 2020 by iSchool Career Advisor
You know that feeling when you are cruising along in your interview and you just feel like the stars are aligned and everything is going so well? It is an amazing feeling. And then you get a seemingly simple interview question, “Why are you the best candidate for this position?” and you freeze. You feel completely stumped and tongue tied about how to respond. You may even eek out what you think is a humble response, “Well, I don’t know that I AM the best candidate for the job.” What did you just say? Oh no! I think you just blew your interview.
How to Nail the Interview Question “Tell Me About Yourself”
Published: September 17, 2020 by iSchool Career Advisor
Interview with Confidence: Body Language and First Impressions
Published: September 11, 2020 by iSchool Career Advisor
Your body language can communicate more about you than your actual spoken words in making a first and lasting impression during an interview. A commonly held belief is that 55% of communication is body language, 38% is the tone of your voice, and only 7% is the actual words spoken.
Answering the Question “Why Do You Want to Work Here?”
Published: September 9, 2020 by iSchool Career Advisor
“Why do you want to work here?” or “Why did you apply for this position?” These are common interview questions that you’ll want to put thought into before heading into your interview. Think about what prompted you to apply for this particular position and what is appealing to you about this job? Your goal is to show that you are a perfect fit for the position.
Answering the Question “Why Should We Hire You?”
Published: September 7, 2020 by iSchool Career Advisor
“Why should we hire YOU?” Before walking into any interview, be sure that you have the answer to this question ready to roll right off your tongue. Why? Because you are going to be asked this question or one like it, and you want to knock the interviewer’s socks off with a strong, well-thought-out response.
You may also be asked: