Attending ALA’s LibLearnX for Educational Growth in the Field

iStudent Blog

Published: January 29, 2024 by Shannon Broden

Shannon Broden

In January 2024, with assistance from the SJSU iSchool travel grant, I traveled to ALA’s LibLearnX in Baltimore, MD. While part of my reason for attending was to be part of a panel presentation, I also had the opportunity to network and attend programming to enhance my own education of the field outside the classroom.

Dr. Anthony Chow

Alongside several fellow graduate students, I presented on a panel entitled “The Application of UX and Usability Standards in Browser-Based Virtual/Augmented Reality Environments”. The panel was led by Dr. Anthony Chow, who also directed us for several internship special studies at the iSchool on the principles of UX and usability standards which we shared with the audience. After the panel part of the presentation, we broke the attendees up into three groups, during which they got chances to walk through the Mozilla Hubs browser based SJSU Virtual Expo and try these techniques themselves.

LLX Slide for 3D Scanning for Cultural Heritage

However, attending ALA LIB LEARN X was not all about presenting. I took advantage of learning from others about what was going on in the field. Panels I attended included: 3D scanning for cultural heritage institutions led by Creative Commons, Library Advocacy Basics;  the Emerging Adult Enigma about creating programming that attracts and retains the 18 to 40 year old demographic; digital inclusion as an important core service for libraries; and the art and science of leadership looking at soft skills and data.

Baltimore snow

Despite the unusually cold weather, I really enjoyed my first trip to Baltimore. I hope that maybe someday I can return and see more of the city, and perhaps get to learn more about Edgar Allen Poe and his connection to the Baltimore area. Again, many thanks to the SJSU iSchool travel grant for helping to make this possible.

Editor’s Note: The SJSU iSchool highly encourages students to attend professional conferences but also realizes that it can be cost prohibitive. Travel grants are available to eligible students to help lessen the financial burden and increase conference participation. iSchool student Shannon Broden received one of these travel grants.


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