Eight Bonuses I Didn’t Expect From Doing an Internship
Published: October 8, 2018 by Priscilla Ameneyro
I’m sure you already know internships are a great way to build valuable work experience while earning credits towards your degree. I was fortunate enough to participate in two internships, one at the Crocker Art Museum in Sacramento, CA, followed by a summer internship at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.
I knew I wanted to do at least one internship during my time at the iSchool because I didn’t have any LIS related work experience. My goals going into both of the internships were to build my knowledge as much as I could and make a good impression! I think I achieved both, but what I also found was that the internship experience was more rewarding than I ever thought it would be. In this blog post I share the eight unexpected surprises I had to hopefully encourage more iSchool students to do an internship of their own.
1. I got to learn about the organization
One aspect of my internships that I really enjoyed was getting to
learn about the two museums I was working in. As someone who is
interested in art and loves museums, getting to go
behind-the-scenes was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I learned
about the history of the museum, met the people that run the
museum and got a deeper understanding of how a museum operates.
This all gave me a better sense of how the library and archives
fit into the overall structure of the organization.
2. I made friends, as well as professional
I met some truly wonderful and talented people during my
internships. As I mentioned, I wanted to make a good impression
to build my network and hopefully have someone that would be
willing to vouch for me when I went for a job. I now have several
people I can use as references, but I also have new friends that
I’ll keep in touch with and visit. You may even find someone who
is willing to be your mentor.
3. It made me think about what I want
I think doing more than one internship is really valuable because
you can compare different environments and types of jobs. For
example, the Crocker Art Museum is a lot smaller than SFMOMA. You
can also do informational interviews with the people that work
there to gain insights into different roles. Now’s the time to
explore different career paths before you graduate and start your
job hunt!
4. I gained unexpected knowledge
At the Crocker, I developed a finding aid for an archival
collection. Combing through the materials and conducting
research, I got to learn about early California art. At SFMOMA, I
cataloged files of Northern California gallery ephemera and
increased my knowledge of artists and galleries in the Bay Area.
5. I got to be a fly on the wall
At the same time, I was doing my internship at the Crocker, I was
taking INFO 210, Reference and
Information Services. It was great to observe the librarian
conducting reference interviews. I also spent time with the staff
at SFMOMA finding out what their specific responsibilities are.
6. I did more than make coffee and
I knew going into it that I wasn’t going to be doing the typical
intern drudgery work. If it’s approved in the internship database, that
means you’ll be doing meaningful work. However, I was surprised
at how impactful my projects were and that felt really good! The
finding aid I produced for the Crocker helped bring greater
visibility to the archival collection and I also increased access
to the four hundred or so gallery files I processed at SFMOMA
(pictured left).
7. I felt like a valued member of the team
I didn’t expect to be integrated into the team and the
organization as much as I was. I attended team meetings and was
included on email communications, which made the experience even
more enjoyable. I was even recognized and thanked for the work I
did by members of upper leadership.
8. Free stuff!
On the first day of my SFMOMA internship, I was presented with an
SFMOMA mug, a notebook, a book about careers in museums and two
free tickets to the museum! I was free to explore the Crocker on
the days I signed in to the visitor book as an intern and the
librarian thanked me with some guest passes at the end of my time
there which was a pleasant surprise.
Even if your work schedule or personal commitments make it hard to do an in-person internship, there are many virtual opportunities available that are more flexible; check out the iSchool’s internship database for the latest openings. If you don’t find anything that appeals to you, take a look at my post on creating your own. Hopefully, I’ve convinced you that doing an internship is non-negotiable! It’s an experience you can’t afford to miss out on.
Read about other students’ internship experiences:
Hands-On MARA Opportunities Give Anna Maloney Tools to Succeed in
Records Management
Multiple iSchool Internships Are Key to Student’s Career Pathway
Why Plan For an
How my
Internship Strategy Paid Off
Internship image courtesy of the
Photo courtesy of Megan Ocampo
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