iStudent Blog: Careers

iStudent Blog

From Rope Tricks to Reading Lists
Karen's Quest to Lasso Lifelong Learning

Karen Quest Cowgirl Tricks

Published: February 25, 2025 by Gabe Farmer

iSchool Alum Karen Quest has been roping in audiences for most of her life and still incorporates her cowgirl act into her work with library outreach. Her show, Cowgirl Tricks, features trick roping, whip cracking and what she laughingly calls “kooky cowgirl shenanigans perfect for the whole family.” Karen has performed for corporate events, private parties, fairs and festivals nationwide. Yet, in 2011, she stepped into a new performance arena: libraries. At a children’s librarian showcase, she found an intriguing new audience. “As I continued to get booked at libraries, I noticed that librarians were funny and they were smart and they get it,” she explains. “And very different from the other clients that I did business with. And I started getting library curious.” 

iStudent Blog

Conference Presentation Insight: Tips & Pointers Part 2

Kesheena Doctor, Leah Choi, Adrienne Violet, & Eva Flying in-person at ATALM 2023 after presenting their Seeking Immortality presentation with virtual team members. photo courtesy of Leah Choi.

Published: February 6, 2024 by Kesheena Doctor

This past fall semester was an extremely busy time for me. Not only was I working part time and taking a full course load, I also presented at two conferences! For those unaware, presenting at a conference takes a lot of preparation and careful planning.

iStudent Blog

Conference Presentation Insight: Tips & Pointers Part 1

Presenting at a whiteboard

Published: January 25, 2024 by Kesheena Doctor

While an iSchool student, I’ve been able to attend conferences, get networking opportunities, and gain professional development. However, I have had little experience with presenting at conferences until this year, most notably at the 2023 International Conference of Indigenous Archives, Libraries, and Museums and the International Indigenous Librarians’ Forum 2023.

iStudent Blog

Attending My First Small Conference

Published: October 12, 2023 by Kesheena Doctor

At the beginning of this August, I was able to attend the 2023 Zine Librarian unConference, a conference for zine librarians and zine library workers, which is a specialized subset of librarianship. I was excited to represent the iSchool at this conference, meet new librarians in the field, and learn more about how zines can support librarianship.

iStudent Blog

Completing My First Year at the iSchool

Published: June 22, 2023 by Kesheena Doctor

As I wrap up my first year at the iSchool, I have been reflecting on my graduate school journey and impending career as a librarian. There have been many changes in my life since I started school and it’s been a very busy year. I have been able to partake in many new experiences that I only recently have had the time to truly reflect on and appreciate. I’d like to share my thoughts of my first year at the iSchool with you.

iStudent Blog

MLIS Career Pathways: A Look at Academic Librarianship

Published: November 17, 2021 by Leslie Parry

Last month the iSchool Student Services team hosted a new Lunch and Learn Workshop as part of their ongoing series on MLIS pathways. The topic was academic librarianship and featured School of Information faculty members Dr. Deborah Hicks, Alison Johnson and Dr. Linda Main. What makes this pathway unique? As Taryn Reiner, student support specialist, explains, “Academic libraries are found in institutions of higher education – in community colleges, private colleges, major universities or specialized research institutes.” They employ about 26,000 professional librarians and account for 48 percent of the positions analyzed in the most recent MLIS Skills at Work report. The roles and responsibilities of academic librarians are diverse; they include instruction, research support, project management, technical services, reference and outreach. Over the course of the hour-long program, the panel shared their thoughts on the classes, skillsets and experiences that can best prepare students for work in this field. 

iStudent Blog

MLIS Career Pathways: A Look at Information Intermediation and Instruction

Published: August 12, 2021 by Leslie Parry

If you haven’t yet attended a session, be sure to check out the iSchool Student Services Lunch and Learn webinar series. These virtual chats, held live over Zoom, give students a chance to interact with the Student Services team, ask the faculty burning questions, and learn more about opportunities for success at the San José State University School of Information. Of particular note are the webinars exploring different MLIS career pathways. Most recently the featured pathway was Information Intermediation and Instruction. Panelists included faculty members Dr. José Aguiñaga, Dr. Lili Luo, and Director of Online Learning Bethany Winslow. As Sheila Gurtu, the webcast host and Student Outreach Specialist, explains, this pathway prepares students for careers in reference services, instructional design and related information settings. Among the topics discussed were essential skills, recommended coursework and potential professions. Read on for highlights from this excellent discussion.

iStudent Blog

Building Your Professional Network as an iSchool Student

Published: July 27, 2021 by Leslie Parry

Kim Dority, the iSchool Student and Alumni Career Advisor, recently gave an insightful presentation about an essential (if occasionally dreaded) topic: “How to Build Your Professional Network (Without Feeling Weird About It).” To some people, the idea of networking can be exciting and invigorating; to others, awkward and stressful. No matter if you’re an extrovert or an introvert, a graduate student or a seasoned librarian, network-building is core to the profession. But don’t let your anxiety get the better of you. As Dority describes, it’s not about schmoozing or having transactional, superficial relationships; it is about growth, connection, and helping your colleagues and friends. “Building a valuable, sustainable network is a long-term play that involves creating genuine relationships of mutual benefit,” she says.

iStudent Blog

10 Ways to Build Career Opportunities as a Student

Published: February 7, 2021 by Leslie Parry

Last semester the San José State University Special Libraries Association student chapter presented “Building Career Opportunities in Graduate School,” a program featuring Kim Dority, career advisor at the School of Information. Dority, who is also the founder and president of Dority & Associates, an information strategy and content development company, gave a generous and insightful presentation about the ways in which iSchool students can start preparing for their future professions now. From keeping a journal to engaging professionals to practicing small talk, she says even small actions can make a big difference. It takes some planning, initiative and resourcefulness, but maximizing your time in graduate school will pay off in the end. Below are Dority’s top 10 tips for building career opportunities as an iSchool student.

iStudent Blog

Looking for a Job? Check out the Career Blog!

Published: April 19, 2020 by Havilah Steinman

San José State University’s iSchool has an incredible set of career resources for alumni and current students to access. Being in an online program does not mean you’re completely on your own when looking for internships, volunteer opportunities or jobs. In fact, it actually means you are at an advantage because you have access to incredible career resources at the touch of a button. Of those resources, the career blog is one of the best. Written and curated by the Student Research Journal’s Editor-in-Chief Greta Synder, the resource is full of information from the perspective of this recently graduated student!