Women’s History Month
iSchool Presents EDI Online Symposium March 22
Published: March 9, 2023 by Eori Tokunaga
Please join the SJSU iSchool in celebrating Women’s History Month 2023 as we honor the achievements of Women in Information!
Like many other historical heritage months, Women’s History Month began as a week-long celebration on March 7, 1982. Five years later, after being petitioned by the National Women’s History Project, Congress passed Public Law 100-9, officially designating March as Women’s History Month. Since then, the President of the United States has issued annual proclamations and the National Women’s History Alliance has organized themes commemorating women’s history (source: womenshistorymonth.gov).
Join us on Wednesday, March 22, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Pacific Time, for our EDI symposium, “Women in Information,” to hear our speakers talk about their experiences working in the field of Library and Information Science.
Register here for this free event.
About the Symposium Keynote Speakers
Co-keynote speaker Dr. Sandra Hirsh previously served as Professor and Director of the SJSU School of Information and is the current Associate Dean for Academics in the College of Professional and Global Education at San José State University (SJSU). She is a Past President of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) and the Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T), and she also holds leadership roles in the American Library Association (ALA) and in the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA). She is an ASIS&T Distinguished Member. She co-founded and co-chairs the global virtual Library 2.0 conference series (https://www.library20.com).
Co-keynote speaker Dr. Sanda Erdelez is a Professor and Interim Dean of the College of Organizational, Computational and Information Sciences at Simmons University in Boston. She has been internationally recognized for her pioneering research in the areas of information encountering and opportunistic discovery of information. She is an active member of ASIS&T, where she has served in numerous leadership roles, including the chair of the Special Interest Group on Information Seeking and Use (SIG USE) and a member of the ASIS&T Board of Directors. In 2015, Dr. Erdelez received the Outstanding Contribution to Information Behavior Research Award from SIG USE and became a member of the SIG USE Academy of Fellows. She currently serves as the chair of the iSchools Organization, where she is one of the leaders of the Women’s Coalition.
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