#AskAnArchivist Day Recap


Published: October 12, 2017 by Katie Kuryla 

Were you one of the many who participated in #AskAnArchivist Day? If you aren’t sure what #AskAnArchivist Day is, it is where archivists from different types of archives communicate directly with the public about their work through social media outlets like Twitter.

#AskAnArchvist day was a huge success with the hashtag trending in the United States from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. with 8,927 total tweets from 4,077 unique users. According to the Society of American Archivists, there were an additional 759 tweets on October 3, the day before #AskAnArchivist, and 1,595 on October 5.

The top tweet received over 2,300 retweets and 6,300 likes. I remember coming across it a few times as I participated in it.

I had decided to reach out to an archives that would help me in a search for a genealogy related Christmas present for my dad (always thinking ahead!) and had noticed that it wasn’t only users asking archivists questions; other archivists were interacting with each other. I also came across archives that I didn’t realize existed and was really excited to start following a bunch of them. @WDArchives is my new favorite because anything related to Disney is fantastic! Did anyone else participate in it? What was your favorite question on #AskAnArchivist Day?

If you want to see more #AskAnArchivist Day tweets, check out SAA’s highlights!


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