Don’t Miss the SIG-KM Knowledge Management Symposium
Sponsored by the SJSU iSchool


Published: August 31, 2021 by Melissa Prunty Kemp

The ASIS&T Special Interest Group on Knowledge Management is hosting a symposium on knowledge management that could prove to be especially useful for student researchers (MARA 285 students, for example) and others who are perfecting their research skills. There’s still time to submit your paper or poster! 

Sponsored in part by the SJSU iSchool, the UNK International Research Knowledge Management Symposium promises to engage participants in contemporary issues surrounding “the process of capturing, distributing, and effectively using knowledge” (Davenport, 1994).  The definition has expanded into the Gartner world of information management to focus on enterprise knowledge as a whole. KM now covers “an integrated approach to identifying, capturing, evaluating, retrieving, and sharing all of an enterprise’s information assets. These assets may include databases, documents, policies, procedures, and previously un-captured expertise and experience in individual workers” (Duhon, 1998). The symposium explores issues including how contemporary records managers can tackle KM for small and large organizations. Students, scholars, and practitioners are all invited to submit a paper, poster, or dissertation talk.

A full list of the symposium agenda, an introduction to its keynote speaker, and instructions on how to submit is available here.


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