MARA Partnership with the Institute of Certified Records Managers
Published: August 23, 2017 by Anna Maloney
Earlier this summer, the MARA program announced a partnership with the Institute of Certified Records Managers (ICRM) that would allow MARA graduates a fast track to either the Certified Records Analyst (CRA) or the Certified Records Manager (CRM) designation.
“The purpose of the partnership agreement between SJSU’s iSchool and the ICRM is to build a bridge between Records and Information Management (RIM) education provided by the MARA program in order to fast track graduates to ICRM certification. The joint strategic goal of both partners is to enhance the overall RIM profession by supplying educated and credentialed professionals to fill demand and to advance related careers.”
The partnership between MARA and ICRM will mean that students who already hold CRM or CRA designations may use MARA courses towards ICRM maintenance credit, and students interested in applying for ICRM certifications can use the completed MARA degree toward ICRM exam credit.
This is an exciting step forward for the MARA program. As indicated in a spring 2017 survey, 100% of MARA students surveyed are interested in pursuing or have already attained a professional certification, with the CRM being a popular choice for many.
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