Society of American Archivists – F. Gerald Ham and Elise Ham Scholarship
Due date - February 28, 2025

White and Blue image of the SAA logo with the text SAA Society of American Archivists

Published: January 16, 2024 by Andy Wiegert



The F. Gerald Ham and Elsie Ham Scholarship is available to graduate students pursuing studies in professional archival studies. To be considered for this award, you must have completed at least three credit hours of graduate study. Selection is based on academic merit, past performance in archival studies, and a faculty member’s assessment of the student’s prospects for contributing to the archives profession.



The award is for $10,000 and complimentary registration to the 2025 SAA Annual Meeting in Anaheim, CA.



The deadline for applications to SAA’s F. Gerald Ham and Elsie Ham Scholarship is coming soon:  February 28!  


Eligibility requirements:

The scholarship funds must be used to support the graduate archival education of a student who is studying at a United States university program that meets the criteria for graduate education set forth by the Society of American Archivists’ Guidelines for a Graduate Program in Archival Studies.

The student must have successfully completed a minimum of three (3) semester credit hours, or the equivalent, of a course(s) meeting the definition of “core archival knowledge” presented in the Guidelines.


For greater detail in the guidelines for eligibility:


For more information on this scholarship offering:



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