University Learning Goals
Mapping of MS in Instructional Design and Technology Program Learning Outcomes (Core Competencies)

Master of Science in Instructional Design and Technology (MSIDT) Alignment to University Goal(s)
PLO Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) ULO 1
Social and Global Responsibilities
Specialized Knowledge
Intellectual Skills
Integrative Knowledge and Skills
1 Understand the foundations and principles of learning theory and instructional systems design. X X X X
2 Evaluate current and future trends and issues in the field. X X X X
3 Analyze learner, organizational, and societal needs. X X X X
4 Design effective instructional and performance solutions. X X X X
5 Create quality instruction for a variety of learners and organizations in diverse performance environments. X X X X
6 Evaluate the effectiveness of implemented instruction/intervention/solution. X X X X
7 Apply technology and non-technology solutions to teaching, learning, assessment, and organizational improvement. X X X X
8 Apply best practices in leading projects, teams, and organizations. X X X X
9 Use informatics and analytics to continuously improve teaching, learning, and human and organizational performance. X X X X