25th Issue of the Student Research Journal Explores Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Library and Information Science


The 25th issue of the fully student-run Student Research Journal is now available online. The issue, published in May 2023, features an invited contribution from the director of the San José State University School of Information, an editorial by the editor-in-chief and an editorial by the managing editor.

These articles show how the Student Research Journal and research at the SJSU School of Information are using principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion to further the work of the library and information science field.

Authors and Articles

About the Student Research Journal

The Student Research Journal promotes graduate and professional research in the library and information science field and asks crucial questions on current and emerging professional issues from a local, national and global perspective. By advocating for the value of research to further intellectual inquiry and innovation in the LIS field, SRJ contributes critical insights to inform everyday professional practice in the field and specifically cultivates robust graduate student research through a rigorous peer review process. As SJSU’s only fully student-run, double-blind peer-reviewed, open access research journal, SRJ leads the way for the university, the College of Professional and Global Education, the School of Information, and LIS graduate research.

Editorial Team

The Student Research Journal editorial team for this issue are as follows: Editor-In-Chief Amber Passey; Managing Editor Ben Brown; Content Editors Nicholas Catt, Mia Lewis, Amber Morrell, Madelyn Tarr; and Copy Editors Elizabeth Kuykendall and Emily Taggart.

Call for Submissions

The Student Research Journal invites original research, book reviews, and evidence summaries from graduate students at any university on topics in the fields of librarianship and information science and archives and records management and related theory, policy, ethics, application, case studies and professional practice. Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis and undergo rigorous peer review. Volume 13, Issue 2 is slated to be published in December of 2023.

Questions about the submission process can be emailed to the editor-in-chief at sjsu.ischool.srj@gmail.com. Students interested in applying to join the editorial team are encouraged to visit the official SRJ website. SRJ is also on Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.