iSchool Invests in Future Leaders with $300,000 in Scholarships
Fall 2024 Scholarship Winners Announced


San José State University’s School of Information has awarded $338,000 in scholarships for the fall 2024 semester, helping ease financial burdens for more than a hundred students while empowering them to pursue their career goals. These scholarships, available to both new and current students, demonstrate the school’s commitment to supporting future leaders in the information professions.

“It is always a pleasure to review scholarship applications and recognize the strength and diversity of our students in their interests and contributions to the information profession,” said Dr. Mary Ann Harlan, chair of the Student Awards and Scholarships Committee.

Recipients from diverse backgrounds shared their personal and academic journeys, highlighting the impact these scholarships have had on their lives.

Abbie Swanson

Receiving one of the scholarships for new students was a significant milestone for Abbie Swanson. “I was overwhelmed by the iSchool’s generosity and its commitment to training the next generation of librarians and information professionals,” Swanson said. She is passionate about public education and excited about how the Master of Library and Information Science program aligns with her belief that “it’s never too late to learn new skills.”

For her scholarship application, Swanson submitted a presentation that illustrated her leadership initiatives and her experience in journalism. “My presentation was a pitch for setting up recording studios at local libraries so teens and adults living in California can share their stories,” she explained. These stories would form an archive of oral histories for future generations to hear.

Swanson is enthusiastic about her future in the iSchool and has already started working with the school’s director, Dr. Anthony Chow, on growing the audience for the iSchool’s video podcasts. She is confident that the program will equip her with the skills needed to continue her work in storytelling, particularly in libraries. “I know there’s a growing audience of young Californians who want to be involved in storytelling, and I’d like to help them do that,” Swanson said.

Financially, the scholarship has provided much-needed relief to Swanson, especially with rising living costs in Los Angeles where she lives. “Every little bit helps,” she said, expressing her gratitude to Chow and the Student Awards and Scholarships Committee for their support.

Adina Vega

MLIS student Adina Vega was awarded one of the scholarships for continuing students, making a positive impact on her academic experience. “Receiving the current student scholarship will allow me to attend school with less stress and added financial stability,” Vega said. She described the award as an acknowledgment of her potential as a future librarian. “Receiving a scholarship from my school is at the top of my educational success list,” she added.

However, the path to receiving the scholarship wasn’t without challenges. Vega explained, “It takes a lot of persistence, resilience, dedication, and hard work to fill out scholarship applications.” Balancing these applications with course work was difficult, but she leaned on family, friends, and colleagues for support. Vega’s application included a Prezi slideshow showcasing her work with diverse communities. “The memorable moments outweighed the challenging ones,” she said, recalling the pride she felt after submitting her presentation.

Vega’s goal is to work in public libraries and eventually move into academic librarianship. Vega emphasized how her studies have inspired her to explore new areas of librarianship, adding that she is eager to take the lessons and friendships she’s built into the next semester. “I’ve created lasting bonds and overcome personal struggles that briefly interrupted my focus and challenged me in ways I never thought possible,” she said. Despite these challenges, she remains dedicated to finishing her MLIS degree.

On a personal level, the scholarship has also made a tangible difference in her financial situation. “Because of its financial assistance, I study with less financial stress and worry,” Vega said. She explained that living on disability while attending school presented unique financial challenges, making the scholarship an even more critical part of her academic journey. “Having extra funds to pay for things like gas and food is invaluable.”

Ronna del Rosario

Another recipient of a scholarship for continuing students, Ronna del Rosario, expressed her gratitude for the recognition, saying, “It means a lot to me to share a bit about my personal, academic, and career journeys that have assisted me in reaching this point.” Del Rosario has been an active participant in the iSchool community, where she is pursuing a Master’s degree in Informatics. She describes the 100% online program as “a wonderful opportunity for learning and growth,” and emphasizes the importance of the connections she’s made with the iSchool community. “It has been such a blessing connecting with and getting to know peers, faculty, and staff in a supportive environment that promotes effective information exchange,” she said.

While she initially intended to apply for a scholarship as a new student, del Rosario explained that it wasn’t until her second semester that she found a topic that resonated with her. “Though it can be difficult to generate ideas and expound on them in a way that relates to others, as Maya Angelou said, ‘Every journey begins with a single step,’” del Rosario explained, reflecting on the scholarship application process.

Del Rosario’s diverse interests include UX/UI design, health informatics, data analytics, and cybersecurity. Currently, her career goal is to become a UX/UI designer for a healthcare organization or an electronic health record vendor. “User experience is an important aspect to consider in any field, but I believe it is often overlooked or not as emphasized in the healthcare field,” she said. Del Rosario hopes to leverage her background in healthcare and her passion for UX/UI design to improve the user experience for patients and clinicians alike. “This scholarship contributes to helping me achieve my academic and career goals by providing me the resources to progress in my studies and pursue my brimming interest in tech,” she added.

On a personal level, del Rosario explained that the financial support provided by the scholarship has helped alleviate some of the financial stress associated with being in a graduate degree program. “I am most grateful for the iSchool’s generous financial assistance that will allow me to continue working towards my academic and professional goals,” she said.

Alicia Perez

Alicia Perez expressed excitement and gratitude for being selected for one of the endowed scholarships available to current students. “I am both excited and honored to be a recipient of the Alumni and Friends Scholarship for 2024,” Perez said. A career in librarianship wasn’t always on Perez’s radar.  She explained, “I first began my MLIS journey in a different field and was fortunate to have secured a position at my local library, where I am now applying what I have learned through the School of Information.”

Perez is getting ready to graduate and reflects on how the MLIS program has shaped her professional path. “As I am near the end of my time in the program, I am at the unique position where I can look back and sincerely say that I have had a great experience,” she said. During her time in the program, she has studied various aspects of the librarianship. “My three years with the program have opened me to a new world of literacy, reference, data, information science, and more,” Perez added. “I am excited to be so close to becoming a full librarian.”

Looking forward, Perez is eager to pursue her passion for connecting her library with the community. “I hope to have a positive impact in whichever position I am in,” she said. The support of the iSchool has been instrumental in both her academic and career goals, and the scholarship has provided crucial financial relief. “Receiving this scholarship has helped ease the financial burden for me,” Perez said, adding, “With the higher costs of living and being in my final semester, being given such a gift is very helpful and means so much to me.”

Perez expressed her deep gratitude to those who have supported her throughout her journey. “I would like to thank Dr. Chow, Dr. Harlan, and the Student Awards and Scholarships Committee once more for their kind support. I am truly grateful,” she said.

Kalie McGuirl

Kalie McGuirl began her MLIS program this fall. The recipient of the Director’s Scholarship for Excellence described her award as a major milestone in her journey toward becoming a librarian. “I’m incredibly honored to have received the Director’s Scholarship for Excellence this year,” McGuirl said. “Receiving this award was a significant validation that I am on the right path in the field of library science.”

McGuirl has worked in public libraries for over two and a half years, and her experience has shaped her goals as she pursues her MLIS degree. As a library technician in unincorporated Alameda County, California, she has focused on increasing LGBTQ+ programming and visibility in the community. “My goals in getting this degree include acquiring skills that will help the communities I serve,” she said. Her passion for expanding representation has fueled her desire to become a librarian, where she believes she can make a positive difference. “I’d like to become a librarian to have more impact, and I am very excited to apply what I learn in this program,” McGuirl added.

Despite her passion for librarianship, McGuirl initially hesitated to pursue an MLIS degree due to financial concerns. “Though I’ve known for a while that I wanted to get a master’s degree, I debated whether I should go for it or not because of the cost,” she explained. Receiving the Director’s Scholarship for Excellence allows McGuirl to focus on her academic and professional growth without the added stress of financial constraints. She explained, “Getting this scholarship will significantly reduce the financial burden and loans that this degree would otherwise include for me.”

Looking ahead, McGuirl is eager to apply the knowledge and skills she gains through the MLIS program to better serve her community. She expressed deep gratitude “for the confidence and encouragement this scholarship represents,” highlighting the personal and professional affirmation that comes with receiving such recognition.

The San José State University School of Information offers several scholarship opportunities for matriculated students and new students just beginning their iSchool program. The spring 2025 scholarship applications are now open, and each scholarship awarded for spring semester is valued at $3,250. The deadline to apply is December 1, 2024. These scholarships are designed to support and empower students on their academic and professional paths.