New Board Members Bring International Outlook and Information Industry Expertise to Advisory Groups
The School of Library and Information Science at San José State University (SJSU) recently appointed two new members, Barbara J. Ford and Libby Trudell, to the International Advisory Board of the Center for Information Research and Innovation (CIRI), a virtual research center aimed at generating exemplary new practices and innovative products to benefit a global audience of information professionals. In their new roles on the CIRI international advisory board, Ford and Trudell will assess the role and impact of CIRI and recommend priorities for development.
Ford is the director of the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs and Mortenson distinguished professor at the Library of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She previously worked as assistant commissioner for central library services at the Chicago Public Library, executive director of the Virginia Commonwealth University libraries, and associate library director at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. Ford was the ALA president from 1997–1998, president of the ACRL from 1990–1991, and a member of the IFLA Governing Board from 2005–2009.
Trudell is a consultant specializing in strategic planning and marketing. Previously, she worked for the Dialog® service, holding multiple executive positions including VP strategic initiatives, VP information professional market, Sr. director product management, and director of marketing and customer services. Trudell is currently chair of the SLA Information Technology Division, and has served on the SLA Board of Directors.
“CIRI is an important center for showcasing the research and innovative activities of the SJSU information school’s scholars and students,” said CIRI coordinator Dr. Chris Hagar. “These two new members are truly an asset, bringing with them international experience and connections to the global information industry.”
In addition, the SJSU information school recently appointed Peter Derycz to its International Advisory Council, which helps with the school’s strategic planning. Derycz is the president and CEO of Research Solutions, as well as its subsidiary Reprints Desk, which provide research information services from scientific, technical, and medical publishers to research-oriented enterprises. Derycz also established Infotrieve Inc., a document delivery service, now used by more than half of the Fortune Global 500.
Both advisory groups provide connections to the greater information industry, giving the SJSU information school an outward focus on emerging trends, research practices, and creating partnerships across the globe.