School of Information Lecturer Elected to SAA Council


SJSU School of Information Lecturer Erin Lawrimore’s 14 years of experience with the Society of American Archivists (SAA) will serve her well in her newly elected three-year position on the SAA Council.

With 14 years of experience working in different positions for the Society of American Archivists (SAA), Erin Lawrimore is primed for her newest leadership role within the professional association. Lawrimore, a lecturer at the San José State University (SJSU) School of Information, was recently elected to a three-year position on the SAA Council. One of her goals on the Council is “to ensure that SAA is a strong organization that will advocate for archivists and the archival profession, now and in the future.”

According to SAA, the Council consists of 12 members and is the body that governs the association. The Council “is responsible for ensuring SAA’s financial stability and growth, developing and implementing the Society’s strategic priorities, providing overall leadership and direction for SAA and its component groups, building and coordinating relationships with individuals and groups outside of SAA, and providing oversight of the Society’s executive office.”

Lawrimore has been active in the Society of American Archivists since 2001. Previously, she held positions as vice chair of the Committee on Public Awareness, co-chair of the SAA Awards Committee, chair of the Description Section, and steering committee member for the Reference, Access, and Outreach Section and the Issues and Advocacy Roundtable.

In addition to her SAA activities, Lawrimore teaches INFO 256 Archives and Manuscripts to future archivists in the SJSU School of Information’s Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) online degree program. She also holds the position of university archivist at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

SAA was founded in 1936 and currently represents “6,200 professional archivists employed by governments, universities, businesses, libraries, and historical organizations nationally.” The SJSU School of Information has an SAA student chapter (SAASC), and MLIS students enrolled in INFO 200 can select membership in SAA as their choice for a complimentary student membership in a professional organization.

More information about SAA and the recent 2016 election is available on the organization’s website.