News: Faculty


Dr. Michele Villagran Honored for Leadership in Social Justice and Equality

Dr. Michele Villagran

Assistant Professor Michele Villagran is the recipient of the 2023 Herb Biblo Outstanding Leadership Award for Social Justice and Equality presented by The Social Responsibilities Round Table. The award recognizes individuals who are leaders and advocates for social justice and equality within the library profession. “Everything I do is for diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice,” says Villagran.


iSchool Recognizes 10 Faculty and Staff Members with Awards

Each spring, except in 2022, the San José State University School of Information recognizes its faculty and staff members with special awards for their achievements in several different areas. During the quarterly faculty retreat held in May, iSchool Director Anthony Chow announced the 2023 award recipients.


Pushing Forward with Native American Literacy and Libraries 
IMLS Awards $1.2 Million Grant to iSchool and Reading Nation Waterfall

Reading National Waterfall Grant Project LogoDr. Anthony Chow, director of the San José State University School of Information, and Reading Nation Waterfall have received a $1.2 million grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services to foster Native American literacy, as well as a $150,000 grant entitled “Seeking Immortality” alongside the Northern Cheyenne Tribe of Montana to preserve the Northern Cheyenne language and culture through virtual reality. 


Five New Tenure-track Faculty Members to Join the SJSU School of Information in Fall 2022

New faces will be on the San José State University School of Information’s full-time faculty roster in fall 2022 with the hiring of five assistant professors. Dr. José Aguiñaga, Dr. Jessica Bushey, Dr. Ulia Gosart, Dr. James Hodges and Dr. Norman Mooradian have all demonstrated “evidence of a commitment to equity and inclusion through their research, teaching, and/or service,” a requirement listed in the job posting. Their official start date is July 20.


Publication on Dementia Services Propels iSchool Instructor to Award Winner
Dr. Timothy Dickey Receives 2022 RUSA Award

Dr. Timothy Dickey

Dr. Timothy Dickey was awarded the 2022 RUSA Margaret E. Monroe Award for Library Adult Services. On winning the award, Dickey stated, “I am deeply humbled and tremendously honored by the award, which recognizes so many aspects of my professional life as a librarian, a faculty member, an author, and as someone dedicated to professional service.”


Dr. Anthony Chow Appointed to the Little Free Library National Board

Reading Nation tribal Partner Little Free Libraries

Dr. Anthony Chow has been elected to serve on the national board of the Little Free Library. His appointment began February 2, 2022.

Chow, who is the director of the San José State University School of Information, has helped the LFL in securing a 1.4 million dollar grant that he hopes will “address barriers to literacy and libraries for Native American children and families in five tribal communities nationally.”


iSchool Assistant Professor Michele Villagran Honored with REFORMA Award

Dr. Michele Villagran

One of two recipients of the 2021 Dr. Arnulfo D. Trejo Librarian of the Year Award, bestowed annually by REFORMA, is Dr. Michele Villagran, an assistant professor at the San José State University School of Information.

“The iSchool is so proud of and impressed with Dr. Villigran’s REFORMA’s Librarian of the Year Award,” commented iSchool Director Anthony Chow. “She is a true asset to the field and the iSchool, and we are so delighted that she continues to lead and flourish.”