School of Information Student Research Journal Publishes its 16th Issue
The San José State University School of Information’s Student Research Journal has just released its 16th issue featuring contributions from SJSU lecturer and author Patrick Sweeney, former SRJ editor Stacy Andall, and Wayne State University graduate student Autumn Wetli. Contributions run the gamut from library funding, to journal article co-authorship, to archive diversity. View online and download the articles: Volume 8, Issue 2
Editorial Team
Rachel Greggs, former SRJ copy editor, has stepped into the managing editor role for 2019/2020. In addition, three new editors join the team this semester: Terry Schiavone, content editor; Tayci Stallings, copy editor; and Havilah Steinman, content editor. We welcome these new members to the team and look forward to a working with them this semester.
Website Redux
SRJ’s website has a new look! Bepress consultant Morgan Briles and her designers worked tirelessly with the SRJ team to update the journal’s website to incorporate an updated look with more information and resources for authors interested in submitting to the research journal. Have a look!
Call for Submissions
The SRJ invites original research, book reviews, critical review essays, and evidence summaries from graduate students at any university on topics in the fields of librarianship and information science theory, policy, application or practice. Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. Visit to submit and learn more.
About the SRJ
The SRJ promotes graduate scholarship and intellectual inquiry in library and information science, and archives and records management, publishing two issues annually. It is San José State University’s only student-governed, peer-reviewed research journal. For more information about the SRJ, please visit