SJSU iSchool Graduate Wins ASIS&T Leadership Award
Jeremy McLaughlin, ‘16 MLIS, was unanimously selected to receive the Association for Information Science and Technology’s James M. Cretsos Leadership Award. Congratulations!
A San José State University School of Information alumnus was unanimously selected to receive the Association for Information Science and Technology’s James M. Cretsos Leadership Award.
Jeremy McLaughlin, who graduated in 2016 with a Master’s degree in Library and Information Science, has demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities in ASIS&T activities since joining the organization more than three years ago as a student member.
While studying at the iSchool, McLaughlin got involved in the ASIS&T student chapter and served as the student chapter’s executive chairman for the 2014-15 academic year. During that time, he successfully hosted a PechaKucha-style talk featuring presentations by SJSU faculty and social events that allowed students to interact and get to know each other.
“[McLaughlin’s] accomplishments are far-ranging. In addition to participating actively in student special interest groups, during which he actively recruited new members, he has also served as chair of the Arts and Humanities SIG, which was name SIG of the Year under his tenure,” the selection committee said.
In addition, McLaughlin was recognized as a “New Leader” by the association in 2014, and has acted as a guest editor of the ASIS&T Bulletin.
“Cretsos awardees hold the future of ASIS&T together,” the selection committee said. “In honoring a rising leader for what he has done and will do, the committee is confident that the coming years will find Mr. McLaughlin energetically engaged with the constant evolution of ASIS&T opportunities. Mr. McLaughlin’s reviewers speak very highly of his leadership in ASIS&T, in particular the exceptional creativity and energy he brings to everything he does.”
McLaughlin said he was surprised to be chosen for the Cretsos award “given all the good work being done around the association.” He expressed his gratitude to Dr. Virginia Tucker and Dr. Sandy Hirsh of the iSchool “for their encouragement and support” and to “all of the wonderful folks I’ve had the chance to work with over the years.”
McLaughlin will be formally recognized at the James M. Cretsos Award presentation during ASIS&T’s annual meeting in Washington DC in October 2017.
The iSchool congratulates McLaughlin for this distinguished honor. For more information on ASIS&T, visit the association’s website.