Teaching and Learning #5


5. Instructors use specific strategies to create a presence in the course.

Deficient    Developing    Accomplished    Exemplary

Instructors all provide a welcome message at the beginning of the class.

Instructors are required to use a variety of teaching methods including lectures which can be delivered live via web conferencing, recorded via web conferencing or screen capture software (e.g., Adobe Presenter or Panopto), or written up via Word documents. Instructors are also required to participate in the discussion forums; and respond within 48 hours to all student questions. They are also required to provide individual feedback to assignments.

The school’s Recorded Content Policy specifies that each faculty member must include one or more of the following types of recorded (video or audio) content for each week or module:

  • Introductions to weekly/unit content and activities
  • Announcements
  • Regular (Weekly/unit) updates
  • Responses to assignments or discussions
  • Short lectures

In the school’s Online Teaching Standards and Indicators, Standard 3 focuses on Instructor Contribution to Course Content and Student Learning. Applicable indicators include:

  • Instructor contributes significantly to student learning through regular online lectures, discussions, class meetings, and other teaching methodologies appropriate for the course
  • Instructor has continuing presence in threaded discussions and uses his or her contribution to enhance student learning of the material

All faculty and students have access to Zoom IM , an instant messaging tool that provides quick communication options for all members of each class. Many instructors use this tool to enhance their presence in classes.

Many faculty members hold online office hours via web conferencing. This opportunity for synchronous interaction with students provides students additional contact time with the instructor. Office hours are generally recorded and made available to all students in the class.

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