Community Profile Style Guide
Post Type
Select the appropriate post type “Community Profile” in the upper right of the post page.
Please use title case.
Teaser / Summary
For the Community Profiles, the teaser is the person’s quote and their information. Please set the break after the quote. If for some reason, there isn’t a quote, the teaser is the first two sentences or first paragraph of the body. Use italics for the teaser. If unsure, reference recent published stories for formatting.
Use the “Normal” setting for all paragraphs. Please follow the SJSU editorial style.
Any hyperlinks to pages on or should contain the “https://” prefix.
Heading 3s
Only use Heading 3s to set off content. Do not bold or italicize headings or paragraph introductions.
Heading 4s
H4s should only be used to set off content within the larger H3 content area. I don’t see much use for H4s with Community Profiles.
The smallest image we recommend uploading is 600px wide by 400px tall. If your image is larger, it will scale appropriately to fill the space at those dimensions. However, this image size works perfectly for the profiles featured on the home page. If you only upload one image, it will automatically appear on the top left. If you have multiple images, you’ll need to add the image code to the paragraphs in which is should be placed. Please see this article for image formatting:
If you have multiple images, you can adjust the size percentage and position left or right. You can also add captions. There’s no need to add any padding to the images before uploading. The system does it automatically. See this article for how to adjust the size, position and captions:
Do not enable comments.
Assigning Navigation Terms
Be sure to select the “Community Profile” nav term from the right side menu. Then check the topic category. You can select more than one topic category if relevant. For example, an MLIS alumnus who is now a PMC student could be assigned “Community Profile,” “Alumni,” and “PMC.”
To find the nav terms quickly, you can do a control or command F and search “Community Profile.” Otherwise you have to scroll down the list of nav terms.
Topic Categories
Here are the topic categories to choose from:
- Academic Librarianship
- Alumni (alumni of all programs))
- Archives and Preservation
- Digital Assets Certificate (program specific)
- Digital Environments
- Faculty
- Information Instruction
- International Students
- Internships
- Teacher Librarianship (T/L program and subject field)
- Leadership and Management
- MARA (Program specific)
- Other
- Open Classes (Program specific)
- PhD (program specific)
- Post-Master’s Certificate (program specific)
- Public Librarianship
- Special Librarianship
- Web Technology
- Youth Librarianship
Publish Date
Under “calendar dates” on the left sidebar, enter the publish date to “Post Date.”
Screenshots for Your Reference