Create Your Account
Important: Before completing the online CSU Graduate Application, visit the State Authorization for Distance Education page to search for applicant eligibility information for residents of the state where you reside.
1. For Fall 2024, visit: Choose the Fall 2024 term, enter a user name and password, and then click “Create Account”

3. Choose your Second Bachelor’s Degree and Beyond. Choose your Degree Goal: Graduate (MLIS, MARA, MS Informatics), Teaching Credential (TL Credential-only students*), or Certificate (Post-Master’s Certificate, Advanced Certificate in Digital Assets).
Note: Teacher Librarian Credential-only Candidates are recommended to apply to Graduate rather than the Credential. See:

Note: If an applicant needs to change information regarding visa, residency, military status, citizenship, or degree objective (Masters, Credential, or Certificate), they can go into their Extended Profile and change information (located at the top right, hover over your CAS ID and name and a drop down menu will pop up, then choose: extended profile)*. Then the programs available based on their profile will display. For example, an in-progress applicant initially chose Master’s (MARA), but instead wants to do the certificate in strategic management, the applicant may update their extended profile and indicate that they intend to apply for a Certificate program. *In the Fall 2021 Application, To change your Extended Profile, click Extended Profile in upper right hand corner of the screen under your name. If you do not see Extended Profile in this location, shrink your screen until you see 3 lines in the upper right hand corner and click on the 3 lines to bring up your Extended Profile.