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Add Programs. Type: “San Jose”

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MLIS, MARA, MSIDT, and MS Informatics Special Session Choices will display under “SAN JOSE EXTENSION”

Special MLIS MARA Informatics



MLIS Regular Session will display under the heading “SAN JOSE GRADUATE” (Choose this selection if you: 1) live in the regular session catchment area of postal zip codes 939xx-958xx, or 2) if you are using the CSU employee fee waiver, or 3) if you are using the CalVet tuition fee waiver to pay for your tuition).

Regular MLIS



Credential only, Regular Session, Choose SAN JOSE CREDENTIAL, Library Media Teacher. (Choose this selection if you: 1) live in the regular session catchment area of postal zip codes 939xx-958xx, or 2) if you are using the CSU employee fee waiver, or 3) if you are using the CalVet tuition fee waiver to pay for your tuition).

Regular Library Media Teacher



Credential only, Special Session (outside zip codes above), Choose SAN JOSE EXTENSION, Library Media Teacher (Special Session)

Special Library Media Teacher



Certificate choices for Post-Master’s Certificate and Advanced Certificate in Strategic Management of Digital Assets and Services will appear under, SAN JOSE EXTENSION

PM and Digital Assets



Click the Plus sign for the appropriate program and Click “Continue”




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Note: If you cannot find our programs displayed, check that you did not mistakenly mark “Yes” to the Visa question in your Extended User Profile. When logged into your Cal State Apply account, your Extended Profile is located at the top right. Hover over your CAS ID and name, and a drop down menu will pop up, then choose: extended profile. (Students outside US attend our programs 100% online from their home countries, so there is no need for a visa).
