Uploading Adobe Presenter Presentations to amazon.sjsu.edu Using SFTP


Once you publish your Adobe Presenter presentation, you will need to upload it to the iSchool Media Server (amazon.sjsu.edu). There are two methods for doing so: One is using an SFTP client, and the other is using the eXtplorer Web-based File Managment system. This tutorial will cover how to upload your Adobe Presenter presentation using an SFTP client. A tutorial on using the eXtplorer Web-based File Management system is available here.

  1. When publishing your Adobe Presenter presentation, be sure to note the setting that you chose for Location, and under Output Options be sure that you do not select the “Zip package” option or the “CD Package” option:

  2. Contact Abigail Laufer and request an account on the iSchool Media Server (amazon.sjsu.edu). Also let her know that you will be uploading your files using SFTP.
  3. Next, if you haven’t already done so, you’ll need to download and install an SFTP program. For this tutorial, we’ll be demonstrating the following SFTP program for Windows:

    Bitvise Tunnelier (free for individual use)

    If you use a different SFTP program, then you may need to adapt the instructions slightly to suit your SFTP program.

    Note: We won’t actually be demonstrating how to install Bitvise Tunnelier. Basically, download the Tunnelier installer and then run the installer (double-click on Tunnelier-Inst.exe). The defaults should be fine for most people. If you run into any problems or questions when installing Tunnelier, please contact Abigail Laufer.
  4. After receiving your amazon login information from Abigail Laufer, launch Bitvise Tunnelier and then proceed with the configuration steps included below.
  5. After launching Bitvise Tunnelier, you’ll see a number of configuration tabs. We’ll go through some of these tabs.

    First, on the Login tab, enter the following settings:

  • Host: amazon.sjsu.edu
  • Port: 22
  • Username: Enter the username that was provided to you by Abigail Laufer
  1. On the Options tab, make sure that “Open SFTP” is checked. If “Open Terminal” is checked, you may want to uncheck it in this case:

  2. On the Terminal tab, make sure that Terminal Emulation is set to vt100:

  3. On the left-hand side, click on the button labeled “Save Profile As”. You’ll be saving your profile for quick access later.

  4. Browse to the location on your computer where you want to save your profile.

    Depending on how you work, you may want to consider saving your profile either to your desktop, or to My Documents.

    For the profile name, we recommend something that will help you remember what the profile is for. In this example, we named the profile “amazon.sjsu.edu”, since amazon.sjsu.edu is the server to which you are uploading your presentation:

  5. Your profile will be saved in the location of your choice. The profile will have a “.tlp” file extension. In the example below, we saved the profile to the desktop. The next time you want to launch Tunnelier, double-click on the .tlp file:

  6. After your Tunnelier settings are configured, click on the Login button to connect to amazon.sjsu.edu

  7. You may receive a message regarding Host Key Verification. Click on Accept and Save. You’ll only need to do this once:

  8. On the User Authentication screen, type in the password that was provided to you by Abigail Laufer.

  9. After logging in, you’ll see a screen similar to the one shown below.

    The left side (Local Files) allows you to navigate on your local computer, and the right side (Remote Files) allows you to navigate on the server.

    On the right side, you should see a directory named ”html-” and then your username. For instance, if your username were bobama, then the directory would be named html-bobama.

    Go ahead and double-click on the folder icon for your html directory. This will place you in your html directory.

  10. Next, on the left-hand side, click on the Browse for Folder button which will allow you to browse to the folder containing your Adobe Presenter lectures

  11. On the Browse for Folder screen, browse to the top-level folder that contains all of your Adobe Presenter presentations. In the following example, this is the folder named “MyPresenterFiles”.

    It’s important that you navigate to the top-level folder, instead of the actual subfolder containing the presentation that you want to upload.

  12. On the left-hand side, under Local Files, you should now see the folder containing the presentation that you want to upload. In this example, that folder was named “Week1″.

    The goal is to upload the folder containing your presentation. There are a number of ways of doing so. One method is to right-click on the folder and then select the menu option labeled “Upload” (with the green up arrow):

    Another method is to click once on the folder in order to select it, and then click on the Upload button (with the green up arrow) at the bottom of the Local Files window:

    Other methods include:
  • ​Drag and Drop: On the left under Local Files, grab the folder with your mouse, drag it over to the right (remote) side, and drop it. This should initiate an upload of the folder.
  • Final Method: Click once on the folder in order to select it, and then go to the “Local” menu at the top of the screen, and select the “Upload” menu option with the green up arrow.
  1. After the upload process has completed, you should now see your folder listed on the right-hand side under Remote Files. If so, perfect. You have successfully uploaded the folder containing your Adobe Presenter presentation:

  2. Next, you need to figure out the URL for your presentation. The basic format is the following:
    where “myusername” is replaced with your username, and “directoryname” is replaced with the name of the folder that you uploaded.

    For example:
  3. The final step is to create a link in ANGEL to your presentation.

    Log into ANGEL. Under Lessons, click on Add Content, and then click on Link:

    Under New Link, on the Content tab, enter a Title, set the Link Target (we recommend that you set Link Target to New Window), and enter the Link URL. As usual, click on Save to save your settings:

    Finally, click on the link in ANGEL and verify that your presentation launches and plays successfully.
