Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education 3/29/17-4/1/17
Published: March 29, 2017
Join VCARA March 29 – April 1, 2017 as we attend, exhibit, and present at the 10th Annual Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education (VWBPE) virtual conference in Second Life. The 2017 theme is Legacy, and the conference is located at the SL URL:
Register for free today, and check out their calendar of events for details!
Join VCARA March 29 – April 1, 2017 as we attend, exhibit, and present at the 10th Annual Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education (VWBPE) virtual conference in Second Life. The 2017 theme is Legacy, and the conference is located at the SL URL:
Register for free today, and check out their calendar of events for details! (Note: You do not have to register to attend, but it is helpful if you would like to receive future updates from VWBPE.)
From the VWBPE registration site:
“Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education is a peer-reviewed community event focusing on education in immersive virtual environments. This open conference is organized by educators, for educators, to provide an opportunity to showcase the learning that takes place in this community of practice.
Over 2,000 people from 50 countries attended our last conference in March 2016. In just the past several years, over 200 hours of video footage has been captured and has been made available free to the academic community in addition to other video broadcasts, with thousands of views.
Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education is a meaningful way for presenters to share their research and experience about the rich learning systems in virtual worlds and games. This free online conference is produced entirely by volunteers. Conference proceedings are published in the Journal of Virtual Studies by Rockcliffe University Consortium.
Join us and be a part of this amazing one-of-a-kind conference!”
VCARA members Alyse Dunavant-Jones and Marie Vans will present on their Metaverse Libraries initiative on April 1, 2017 at 8am (Pacific). You can also visit the VCARA Exhibit anytime during the conference at the SL URL:
While you’re there, feel free to wander around and check out the many other exhibits at VWBPE as well!
Don’t have a Second Life account or can’t access Second Life from work? Watch the conference live stream online or find the session recordings on VWBPE’s YouTube channel after the conference! For more information on accessing the conference, go to the VWBPE Accessing the Conference page.
For information about joining VCARA in Second Life, please refer to our VCARA for Newbies blog post. To request an orientation to Second Life and/or VCARA, please email Dr. Pat Franks ( To follow VCARA on social media, check out our VCARA on Social Media page.
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