VCARA Blog: Conferences


VCARA New Website & Blog Location

Published: October 31, 2023 by Bethany Winslow

VCARA collage of images

From being part of Second Life’s 20th birthday celebration, to exploring new virtual worlds with the VR Exploders, keep up with all the latest happenings with the Virtual Center for Archives & Records Administration (VCARA).  

Learn more about what we do, how to get started, and follow our social media by visiting our new website and blog -


XR: Bridging the Gap Research Symposium Recap

Published: October 25, 2020 by Dr. Pat Franks

The first annual research symposium was held October 24, 2020, in the XR Research Center, a part of the Virtual Center for Archives and Records Administration on SJSU’s iSchool island in Second Life.

Keynote presenter, Dr. Donna Z. Davis, shared her thoughts on the promise and challenges ahead for those seeking to use virtual reality in a way that promotes equity and inclusion (figure 1).  

Figure 1. Keynote presentation: The Canyon Crossing: XR and inaccessibility.


XR Bridging the Gap Research Symposium 10/24/20
Meet the Keynotes

Published: October 17, 2020 by Dr. Pat Franks

Symposium 9 a.m. – 12 noon SLT (Pacific) | Keynotes 9 a.m. – 10 a.m.

Donna Z. Davis, PhD 
Donna Z. Davis, PhD, APR / Tredi Felisimo in SL
Associate Professor and Director
Strategic Communication Master’s Program
Oregon Reality (OR) Lab
University of Oregon
School of Journalism * Communication | Portland


XR: Bridging the Gap Research Symposium
Hosted by the VCARA, iSchool Island, Second Life

Published: September 9, 2020 by Dr. Pat Franks

Plan now to attend the XR: Bridging the Gap Research Symposium on October 24, 2020, from 9 a.m. to noon SLT (Pacific Time).

Venue: VCARA’s XR Research Center in SL

The goal of this symposium is to provide a venue for members of Virtual Worlds, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Mixed Reality communities to share accomplishments and challenges and to learn from one another.


VWBPE Conference–Panel on Criteria for VR/VW

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Published: March 26, 2020 by Dr. Pat Franks

This past year the VCARA team has turned their attention to comparing the capabilities of Virtual Worlds (e.g., VCARA and CVL) to social Virtual Reality (e.g., Sansar and VR Chat).

Attend the Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference session, Survey Says! Developing Criteria for VR Courses, to learn of the results of our preliminary research.


10th Annual VCARA Conference Schedule – 4/23/19

Published: April 20, 2019 by Alyse Dunavant-Jones

Join VCARA for our 10th Annual VCARA Conference at 6 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. SLT (Pacific) Tuesday, April 23, 2019! This year’s theme is inspired by Ancient Egypt: “Sands of Time: Looking Back to Move Forward.” Come dressed as yourself or in your favorite Ancient Egyptian attire.


10th Annual VCARA Conference: April 23, 2019

10th Annual VCARA Conference Poster: Keynotes

Published: March 7, 2019 by Alyse Dunavant-Jones

Join VCARA for our 10th Annual VCARA Conference from 6pm-8:30pm SLT (Pacific) on Tuesday, April 23, 2019. This year’s theme is “Sands of Time: Looking Back to Move Forward” and will emphasize heroes and activities from VCARA’s past as well as prospects for future virtual world best practices and endeavors in both 3D and VR environments.


10th Annual VCARA Conference: Call For Presentations

10th Annual VCARA Conference - Call for Posters

Published: January 15, 2019 by Alyse Dunavant-Jones

Mark your calendars for the 10th Annual VCARA Conference from 6 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. SLT (Pacific) Tuesday, April 23, 2019. This year’s theme is “Sands of Time: Looking Back to Move Forward” and will emphasize heroes and activities from VCARA’s past as well as prospects for future virtual world best practices and endeavors. Submit your proposal for a 10-minute mini presentation by Monday, April 8 for one of the 10 slots available.


9th Annual VCARA Conference: Recap

Published: June 18, 2018 by Alyse Dunavant-Jones

On April 18, 2018, VCARA held its 9th Annual VCARA Conference on iSchool Island in Second Life. This year’s theme was Passion for Truth: Trusting Information in the Fake News Era. Attendees posted to social media during the conference using #VCARA.