XR Research Center Announced
A VCARA iSchool Initiative


Published: May 19, 2020 by Dr. Pat Franks

Dr. Marie Vans and Dr. Pat Franks conducted a tour of the new XR Research Center added to the VCARA build on SJSU’s iSchool Island.

The XR Research Center will be the location of the first XR symposium on Saturday, October, 24, 2020: XR: Bridging the Gaps.

A call for proposals will be shared over the summer, as will information about related activities, such as a poster fair.

A permanent space in the XR Research Center was set aside for SJSU’s eCampus to share XR-related activities of faculty and students across the University. Bethany Winslow, instructional designer with the eCampus, will run the SL branch.

Our next meet up will be a tour of Mozilla Hubs on Friday, May 22, at 5 p.m. Watch this blog for details about the event–to be posted as soon as received.


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