VCARA Blog: Community and Engagement


VCARA New Website & Blog Location

Published: October 31, 2023 by Bethany Winslow

VCARA collage of images

From being part of Second Life’s 20th birthday celebration, to exploring new virtual worlds with the VR Exploders, keep up with all the latest happenings with the Virtual Center for Archives & Records Administration (VCARA).  

Learn more about what we do, how to get started, and follow our social media by visiting our new website and blog -


Join us April 25 at the Fantasy Faire in Second Life
Literary Festival with Storytelling and Dramatic Performances, Discussions, and more

Published: April 23, 2021 by Dr. Pat Franks

Join the members of the Community Virtual Library (CVL) and SJSU iSchool’s Virtual Center for Archives and Records Administration (VCARA) on Sunday, April 25, for a reading of two of our favorite fairy tales:

  • The Ugly Duckling, a literary fairy tale written by Danish poet and author Hans Christian Anderson;
  • The Twelve Dancing Princesses, a German fairy tale collected and published by the Brothers Grimm.

iLRN Virtual Campus Celebrates XR Women
Virtual Worlds Women--don't be left out of the Virtual Reality Conversation!

Published: March 10, 2021 by Dr. Pat Franks

XR Women is a global collective of women and allies in XR. XR Women is committed to educating, connecting, uplifting, and inspiring women working in XR and those who have yet to join the industry. XR Women connects women with each other, shares opportunities, provides resources, and guides with  insight.


XR: Bridging the Gap Research Symposium Recap

Published: October 25, 2020 by Dr. Pat Franks

The first annual research symposium was held October 24, 2020, in the XR Research Center, a part of the Virtual Center for Archives and Records Administration on SJSU’s iSchool island in Second Life.

Keynote presenter, Dr. Donna Z. Davis, shared her thoughts on the promise and challenges ahead for those seeking to use virtual reality in a way that promotes equity and inclusion (figure 1).  

Figure 1. Keynote presentation: The Canyon Crossing: XR and inaccessibility.


XR Bridging the Gap Research Symposium 10/24/20
Meet the Keynotes

Published: October 17, 2020 by Dr. Pat Franks

Symposium 9 a.m. – 12 noon SLT (Pacific) | Keynotes 9 a.m. – 10 a.m.

Donna Z. Davis, PhD 
Donna Z. Davis, PhD, APR / Tredi Felisimo in SL
Associate Professor and Director
Strategic Communication Master’s Program
Oregon Reality (OR) Lab
University of Oregon
School of Journalism * Communication | Portland


Recap of VR Exploders Meeting in VRChat

Published: September 22, 2020 by Dr. Pat Franks

On the third Friday of each month, members of the VR Exploders Group (no, that’s not a typo) explore a different virtual reality platform. Last week, on September 18, 2020, they met up in VRChat to compare notes on the experience.

Since a 2019 survey of users of both Virtual Reality and Virtual Worlds revealed that 64% of respondents want a platform to encourage educational purposes (not predominantly social/gaming), the group keep the education use of the platform foremost in their minds.


Virtual Worlds Sept. 5 MOOC Event Recap

VCARA Landing Spot

Published: September 6, 2020 by Dr. Pat Franks

Marie Vans (iSchool alumna), Bethany Winslow (SJSU eCampus instructional designer), and Dr. Pat Franks (MARA program coordinator) hosted a tour of VCARA and an overview of the upcoming XR Symposium on Saturday, September 5. 


iRLN 2020 intro to VCARA & CVL

Published: June 27, 2020 by Dr. Pat Franks

Bethany Winslow welcomed visitors to the VCARA/CVL Showcase at the iRLN Conference with a video greeting.

She is speaking from the VCARA XR Research Lab on the iSchool island. If you’d like to visit in Second Life, contact Dr. Pat Franks for an appointment and/or instructions.


Recap VCARA Spring 2020 VR Field Trip

Published: April 4, 2020 by Dr. Pat Franks

Time travel in Virtual Worlds is so much easier and faster than in real life–and thankfully we don’t have to worry about social distancing!

Friday, April 3–in only one hour–the “Friends of VCARA” visited:


Spotlight: VCARA Student Resource Center

Published: September 15, 2016

Newbies and veterans alike can find helpful resources at the VCARA Student Resource Center on iSchool Island in Second Life.

You’ve created a Second Life account–taken the brave leap, downloaded a viewer, logged in, and explored iSchool Island.

Your navigation is a little wobbly, your avatar isn’t quite what you’d like, and you’re struggling with Second Life’s learning curve.

VCARA can help!